
Showing posts from May, 2019

119: Brexit Party Triumph at EU Elections 2019 called into question by radical revision of maths theory

There are 1,001 vastly more challenging issues and problems that ought to be occupying our attention, but still it all comes down to being stuck in the Leave /Remain quagmire. I'm sure that the likes of Thomas Cromwell had pretty much the same view about how the Reformation was panning out in the 1540s. Apparently WE - the royal "we" aren't voting the way that the generally smug,middle class EU funded public sector bureaucrats,professionals,academics,luvvies and shysters would like us to vote. The "We" are still being stupid,ignorant,xenophobic etc etc. And the way they can "prove"(  as they did back on June 23 2016,that in actual point of fact 48% is numerically equal as well as  intrinsically morally superior to 52% ) that pro- Brexit parties lost the EU elections 2019 is by adding up all the votes cast for all the parties and arbitrarily assigning them top pro and anti-brexit forces.  Or as I tweeted somewhat more succinctly at the time:...

118: EU funded seditionist PeoplesVote hooligans fail to alter outcome of EU elections 2019 and Brexit Party Victory

My oh my,how the world has changed over the last five years. Back in 2014, UKIP stormed to a stunning against the odds triumph in the EU Elections and in The Ukraine,in the wake of an EU backed coup d'etat, a western backed oligarch signed up to the EU's terms and conditions. Five years on and here in 2019, the Brexit Party is on the very cusp of repeating UKIP's electoral achievements in the Greater Germany Reichstag elections and in The Ukraine a professional comedian with no political experience whatsoever has been sworn in as the duly elected president of the Republic after utterly electorally destroying the west's previously installed puppet Poroshenko. And so it goes.. Yesterday,May 20 I was among a hundred or so people who greeted Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage's whistle-stop open top bus tour in Wakefield. Earlier in the day his stopover in Newcastle became MSM and social media news after a sensationalist assault against his person by a hooligan lobb...

117: Brexit Party ready to win in EU Elections 2019

May 23rd might turn out to be significant after all.These are first elections to be held for UK MEPs to the EU  "parliament" since we officially,legally and constitutionally departed the EU on March 29 2019. We've come a long way since the last time these "elections" were held in 2014.Then again nothing much has changed. Apart that is from the intervening Plebiscite on the UK's continued membership of the EU itself; which if you read your future metropolitan elitist history books, shows that by voting  52% to 48% in favour of Leaving, the electorate were deemed to have made an incomprehensibly stupid mistake. So the result was subsequently overruled and the masses who'd voted,( in the naive believe that by so doing,they were shaping the UK's future destiny) were peremptorily stuffed back into the ventriloquist dummy's box and told that their opinions however expressed counted for less than zero. And yet on May 26 in the aftermath of those...

116 : UK celebrates VE Day by being goose-stepped into EU Elections 2019

The pantomime continues.. The UK's Quisling Regime has chosen today,VE Day,of all days on which to announce the UK's participation in the 2019 EU Elections. Legally and constitutionally we of course threw off the yoke of EU bondage on March 29 2019.But the MSM, Commentariat and all the major parties persist in maintaining the tawdry illusion that,somehow,the very life of Brexit is still being arduously fought over by the forces of Remain and the forces of Remain just a little bit longer. Yet just three short years ago,the EU funded seditionist,fifth-column shills of peoples Vote were barely a glint in George Soros' reptilian eyes. Supremely self-confident of an ineluctable and historically predetermined triumph at the ballot box,the then UK Chief-Toilet Attendant Cameron, stoked the flames of the Vote to Remain. Here's a recap of my post of 9 May 2016 - fahrenheit451:048- Spoiler Alert! the irony of course is that neither Cameron nor any other Remoaner politician...

115 : EU - The Anatomy of Fraud,Embezzlement & Corruption

( Originally posted on May 4 2017 as fahrenheit451:147 ) and the UK government and parliament have been going round in ever decreasing circles since. The historically moribund European Union  can be viewed as a sleazy,corrupt,kleptocratic hellhole of outright fraud and embezzlement. Amid all the venal hubristic posturing surrounding #Brexit ,once all the vacuous platitudes have been aired and philosophical points have been examined it all comes back down to money.Who pays what to whom and for what and how long for. The current article from the euro observer is particularly instructive on this matter :- Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, in exchange for their access to the EU single market, fund initiatives aimed at reducing social and economic disparities in poorer EU member states. FOCUS Hungary and Poland risk losing €1bn in Norway aid row Girl visiting the Museum on Wheels, a mobile educational exhibition presenting the history and culture of Polish Jews. The exhibiti...