126 : Brexit v. Peoples Vote ,The People v. Parliament.
History gets written by the winners.And losers tend to get a good kicking. Ultimately there is no-one who is actually ” righteous ” in any of this; no,not one. But that doesn’t mean we ought not to take sides and be actively committed to a cause. What it ought to mean is, that irrespective of the outcome of any particular argument and our role in it ,history gets made, out of which altered circumstances newer conditions inexorably evolve and develop and the struggle renews and is renewed by this inimitable dynamic of human society. But we still like our side,the cause we’re committed to to prevail,we do really want to be the ones on the winning side writing the history of a particular struggle. If that were not so then we’d all be supine conformist automatons and all human society /civilisation would be locked into a totalitarian stasis forever.Which of course is utterly absurd but that’s exactly where our present day ruling elites would like to keep the rest of us. Having