138 : #WakeyLit19 How It Happened Against the Odds
And this is the " Downside " to the proceedings of #WakeyLit19 aka the putative, ersatz Wakefield Literature Festival 2019 conceived, planned ,organised and curated by Destiny Poets ( www.destinypoets.co.uk ). Even more than a decade ago ,when I visited schools on a fairly regular basis to do my poetry masterclass workshops, a common complaint from the teaching staff was that "creativity" was getting squeezed out of the curriculum and that pupils weren't simply getting opportunities such as my rather modest poetry workshop sessions to explore and enjoy culture. June / July with the school year drawing down to a close and all the exams out of the way ,was always the optimum point in the calendar to approach schools with the lure of poetry workshops. I had some reasonably confident expectations that some local inner city schools would jump at the chance of, (a) free poetry workshops and (b) the chance to showcase their star pupils and their school as part ...