
Showing posts from December, 2017

17 : Happy #Brexit New Year to Remoaners

The year draws to a close pretty much in the same state that it first opened 360 days ago. Whining,whingeing,cantankerous,obfuscating,disingenuous,blathering non sequiturs,otiose cant and vacuous platitudes  ad nauseam  being excreted from that prominent orifice on the faces of Remoaners that is usually located at the opposite end on the rest of us homo sapiens. The bogus #The3Million #OpenBritain #Labour et al have demonstrated amply that reason,common sense,logic and economic reality have no part to play in their deluded fantasies of what #brexit does or doesn't do. You'd probably have more success in trying explaining the workings of a digital camera to a peasant from the Middle Ages,than you would economic theory to the metropolitan elitist EU shills masquerading in their variety of pantomime costumes who're pretending they're not intellectually and economically subservient to and dependent upon the European Union for their existence. Capitalism 101 - an inc...

16 : Austria asserts its national sovereignty and annoys the EU.

From the pages of History comes a warning. Europe issues Haider ultimatum to Austria First published on Tuesday 1 February 2000    European Union members entered uncharted political waters last night by threatening to boycott Austria if Jörg Haider's far-right Freedom party joins a new government.Portugal, the current holder of the EU's rotating presidency, issued an unprecedented statement saying that all member states, with the obvious exception of Austria, would refuse all bilateral contacts with Vienna if that happened. R The members also served notice they they would not back any Austrian candidate seeking a position with an international body. 17 years on and the tyrannical authoritarian Superstate continues its swaggering,hubristic,venal practices as if nothing has changed or is ever likely to change in the world at large. It has bullied and coerced member states, Denmark and Ireland, to re-run democratic national plebiscites that delivered democr...

15: Brussels The Long Surrender of the UK by May

If nothing else, they are at least consistent and persistent. The following is gleaned from online media sites. " The European Union’s 27 remaining leaders have just voted unanimously to start the second phase of the Brexit negotiations with the U.K., meaning that discussions on a transition period are likely to start in the coming weeks. The two sides will begin work on the outlines of a trade deal after a summit in March. After endorsing the European Commission’s assessment from a week ago that U.K. and EU negotiators had made “sufficient progress” on priority separation issues, the leaders will publish a set of guidelines. to direct negotiators over the coming months. The commission is planning to unveil a more detailed position on the transition period on Wednesday, with the 27 governments scheduled to formally approve it at a meeting on Jan. 29. It will then be up to the U.K. to decide whether to accept the proposal wholesale or try to negotiate. Officials say it will...

14 : May channels Humpty Dumpty - Brexit Success means what she says it means.

The Referendum on whether the UK would choose to Remain within or choose to Leave the European Union was ineluctably flawed from its inception. Parliament voted to undertake to accept and implement the referendum's verdict whichever way the vote went.Of course,why wouldn't they? Except that nobody in the hallowed corridors of Westminster and Whitehall,not a single MP or civil servant nor any of their expert advisors had given the slightest passing thought nor consideration to the EURef. coming out with the verdict in favour of Leave. Nobody. Great events in History that mark a sea change in the fortune and destinies of Peoples and Nations tend to manifest themselves and occur more often through mis-steps and fortuitous accidents than meticulous planning,organisation and disciplined execution. The least mistake ridden,the least error prone, the least incompetent and idle of any given set of contending and mutually irreconcilable parties tends to be favoured by the driving,...

13 : Labour Seditionist-in-Chief Re-interprets Reality to Halt Brexit

Alzheimer's is a truly terrifying disease. Its most egregious manifestation is in the manner it destroys a person's ability and capacity to remember. Paradoxically the disease wipes out memories of who a person talking to them is and the events of the previous day for example; but you might be able to recall perfectly an incident or event from decades ago as if it were current. I only share this about Alzheimer's in order to get a handle on the not entirely dissimilar inability of the Labour Party to recall what earth shattering democratic event occurred on June 23 2016. Though leading seditionist Labour antidemocratic hellions such as Starmer,Umunna,Corbett, Lammy,Creagh etc. all fail to recognise and acknowledge as equals those who they routinely verbally abuse when disparaging the 17.4 million fellow UK citizens who as the majority,voted for #brexit. Gleaned from  Guido Fawkes  online , " Keir Starmer says the UK should leave open the option of staying in th...

12 : PC Metropolitan Elitists Ready for Trump Visit ?

Both nominally " Left " and  " Right " have spent decades progressively infantilising political discourse. With few exceptions, mainstream political parties and a significant swathe of extra-parliamentary fringe groups have embraced and conformed themselves to the prevailing hegemony of Politically Correct,globalist metropolitan elitist thought and all that entails. Daily life in civil society is awash with the sacrosanct shibboleths of -isms.A veritable faux-litany of " gender " and " race " has metastasized across western democratic nations. Otiose cant and vacuous platitudes are the default responses of the metropolitan-domiciled cultural/political elites and these twins of evil are again rearing their foul ugly heads. Brexit, aka the stumbling ,fumbling half-witted series  of impotent actions undertaken by HMG to enact the Will of the Sovereign Electorate on the matter of withdrawal of the UK from its bondage and servitude under the E...