17 : Happy #Brexit New Year to Remoaners

The year draws to a close pretty much in the same state that it first opened 360 days ago.

Whining,whingeing,cantankerous,obfuscating,disingenuous,blathering non sequiturs,otiose cant and vacuous platitudes ad nauseam being excreted from that prominent orifice on the faces of Remoaners that is usually located at the opposite end on the rest of us homo sapiens.

The bogus #The3Million #OpenBritain #Labour et al have demonstrated amply that reason,common sense,logic and economic reality have no part to play in their deluded fantasies of what #brexit does or doesn't do.

You'd probably have more success in trying explaining the workings of a digital camera to a peasant from the Middle Ages,than you would economic theory to the metropolitan elitist EU shills masquerading in their variety of pantomime costumes who're pretending they're not intellectually and economically subservient to and dependent upon the European Union for their existence.

Capitalism 101 - an increase in the supply of goods is accompanied by downward pressure on the price of those goods. The same inexorable iron law applies to the supply of labour in any given market.The greater the number of workers available leads to downward pressure on wages.

These iron laws are immutable.Capitalism does not alter.

Unless,of course you're an  university academic or professional scientist or cultural arts luvvie or metropolitan domiciled legal shyster where,amazingly there never has been nor is there ever likely to be a sudden,cataclysmic increase in the numbers of those vying for employment in these rarified almost reserved for the elites' occupational groupings.

Or if you're a City finanicer of some ilk.then you get to deliberately engineer the wholesale annihilation of the global economy,cash in your winnings and then after the Deluge blackmail the stupid political classes to dig you out of the hole,cover your losses and ensure your continued career in the same manner as before.

17.4 Million of the UK electorate -52% of those that voted -gave their verdict as Leave on the proposition of should the UK withdraw from the EU.
Again something vehemently denied by the metropolitan elitist remoaners and their insidious,seditionist campaign.

2018 is,I fear going to be more of the same.

More zero hours Agency contracts because the supply of endless cheap compliant toadying labour from eastern europe is not going to be cut off.Which turn keeps wages down and GDP chronically handicapped.Which in turn prolongs Austerity.Which in turn keeps up the DWP onslaught of sanctions against the long term unemployed and other benefits dependent claimants;because there are fewer and fewer jobs,and less housing and longer GP surgery and Hospital queues etc etc.

Nothing to do with economics according to the anti-democratic, anti- populist Remoaner seditionists.

We'll see in 2018.


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