31: EU sets out final list of demands
February 28 has the EU's chief Brexit negotiator Barnier laying down the law to the Minority UK regime vis a vis the EU's stance on the conduct and preferred timetable for the remainder of the UK/EU Leave negotiations. The pro- Minority regime press and media platforms cavil about the EU's supposed attempts at wishing to annex Northern Ireland and in doing so break apart the United Kingdom. Even the most jaundiced genuine brexiteer finds this accusation going a hyperbole too far.It's not 1938 and the Irish Border problematic isn't a re-run of the Sudetenland or Austria. Had the then still majority UK Tory government gone ahead and triggered Article 50 as was anticipated within hours of the EU referendum result,then all this would be speculative persiflage instead of which we're now stuck in someone else's nightmare scenario for us. The only rational course of action for this now Minority Regime would be to disengage from the EU's Leave process and...