29 : Who is bombing who in Syria just got more complicated.

On February 15,the US secretary of State,Tillerson met with Turkey's Foreign Minister to discuss the current burgeoning imbroglio following Erdogan's launching of a blitzkrieg against the Syrian Kurdish enclave of Afrin.
This what the pair of venal,posturing petomaines of international diplomacy and apprentices of Realpolitik came up with as a statement at the conclusion of their hastily arranged rendezvous:-
“Turkey and the United States reaffirm their commitment to the preservation of the territorial integrity and national unity of Syria. To this end, we will decisively stand against all attempts to create faits accomplis and demographic changes within Syria, and are dedicated to coordination on transition and stabilization of Syria.
“Recognizing the fact that there can only be a political solution to the Syrian crisis, and that it requires a viable political transition, Turkey and the United States agree to intensify their cooperation to bring about this result within the framework of established parameters, namely the UNSC Resolution 2254, and through the Geneva process.”
The US and its errant or otherwise compliant satrapies are present inside the territory of the sovereign state of Syria without the permission of the legitimate government of Syria's permission.
It's what used to be called an " invasion " ; such an action was customarily undertaken as an integral part of what used to be called   declaring  " War ". Not that any country has actually declared war or anything else against the sovereign nation State of Syria.
No,not at all,the US and its NATO/EU lackey running dogs are simply there inside Syria on their own cognisance.They are ,minus all the carnage,war crimes and needless mayhem, trespassing.
Russia and Iran and elements of the Lebanese Hezbollah movement,au contraire are assisting the legitimate government of Syria at the request of that government.
Clearly Tillerson and his Turkish glove-puppet have adopted the Humpty Dumpty Weltanschauhung that words mean precisely what they want them to mean,no more and no less.
So; accusations of putative war crimes,genocide,ethnic cleansing,unprovoked aggression against a non-belligerent country that hasn't expressed any hostility towards the USNATOEU aside,we are left where we began; lost in a labyrinth.
The Syria Kurds ,part of the anti-government SDF have apparently concluded an agreement with the goverment to send its forces into the Afrin enclave in order to counter the Turkish menace who are in turn supported on the ground by the FSA etc and so forth,ad nauseam,ad infinitum.


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