73 : Abortion Time To Outlaw It.
Since the British parliament legalised Abortion in 1968,there have to date been around 7,000,000 abortions carried out in the UK. That approximates to an annual average of around 150,000 per annum or around 3,000 every single week over the last 50 years. The ballpark figure of 7 million surpasses the number of murders carried out by The German Third Reich in its extermination camps during the years 1939-45 in what became known after the War as the Holocaust. Such is the monumental scale of what is being carried out in the guise of a regular,routine medicalised procedure that Society at large has become oblivious to just what a monstrous amoral depravity abortion really is. Women's reproductive "Rights" and a woman's "Right" to choose to control her own fertility have all been effectively used as quasi-moral precepts by the proponents of abortion to facilitate the widespread acceptance of the fundamental concept that it's okay and normal and ac...