71 : The Hand of Soros - Julian Dunkerton EU PeoplesVote Shill

In the wake of the 23rd June 2016 Referendum, a plethora, nay a veritable deluge of polls were commissioned,conducted and published by the two opposing camps each seeking some tangible empirical corroboration to underpin and give a superficial gravitas to their respective and ineluctably irreconcilable ideological standpoints.

The Remain campaign proved, by the proverbial country mile,to be the ones lacking any pretence at dispassionate analyses and academic rigour. Simply because the facts didn't match let alone broadly approximate to their prejudices of it all being down to elderly,badly educated,economically marginalised ,xenophobic,northern, insular little england, stupid racists;which incidentally is what #PeoplesVote aka #OpenBritain #Labour and Petainist Conservatives et al still unabashedly maintain as the raison d'etre for what they see as being responsible for the historic debacle of june 23 2016.

It is all bollox and hyperbole of course,but that has never proven to be a hindrance or an appreciable impediment to the ideological kamikaze mission of Remain.

So in their seemingly endless boredomfest, yawnathon these past 2 years,two whole years,they have resorted to novelty and sensationalism. Some planned, others not :one notable exception being the unplanned assassination of one of their shrillest harridan warmongering MPs. Which the Labour Party appartchiks in charge of Remain grotesquely weaponised even that appalling tragedy in the vain belief that it would damage the Leave campaign to whom they sought to attribute moral culpability for the murder!

The latest addition to the Remain cast list for their inglorious Petomainfest is self-styled millionaire capitalist Julian Dunkerton. He's given £ 1 million of his own money to #PeoplesVote aka #OpenBritain aka #LabourIn to be used for..wait for it... YouGov another cabal of EU funded Labour shills to conduct polling around the agitation for a 2nd referendum which they're not calling a referendum.

Obviously the first referendum doesn't count,didn't count because of all the lies told,information withheld and anyway the question asked was the wrong one etc.etc. and next time they'll be a multiple choice questionnaire on the ballot paper; the only difficulty for PeoplesVote is in figuring out the precise,legalistic,sub-claused,nuanced array of choices and their complex grammatical structures that on balance will get the majority to in effect annul the decision they made on June 23 2016.

And insufferable metropolitan PC cultural elitist twats such as Julian are paying for it all...

Is anyone of sound mind and body even going to bother paying EU shills like him any attention whatsoever?


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