
Showing posts from November, 2018

90 : Brexit Buried : The Last Shovelful of Dirt

On December 11th, the House of Commons - 650 itinerant Westminster careerist bench-warmers get to vote on what is being characterised as " The Deal " ; the interim arrangements for transitioning the UK out of the EU. The Grand Guignol of a Pantomime that has been " Brexit " is drawing on its last breaths ,the sham of Leaving the EU is itself drawing to a close. The faux- protagonists of Remain and Leave are coming to the end of their carefully prepared playscript ,all utterly facile,flimsy caricatures that calling them men of straw would imbue them with the unearned deference of regarding any of them with even being remotely human let alone plausible in anything they ever did  or said. Theresa May, is however idiosyncratically providing the bemused,baffled and befuddled Electorate with her own farewell  Cadenza.  A whistle-stop tour across the country to galvanise public opinion onto her side ahead of the HoC vote. History shall view the name of Theresa May ...

89 : Brexit : Where The Treachery Set In

( Originally posted on July 20 2016 as And So It Goes..#786  on WordPress ) Please note  the original footnote...Theresa May's hijacking of the Tories' electoral strategy with her precipitous and as it turned out calamitous calling of an early general election was a surprise as still unknown at the time of the original post... Nearly 4 weeks after EU Referendum Day, the forces of Reaction & Remain continue to seek more ways to stymie and/or annul the decision of the UK Electorate to vote to leave the EU ( aka Brexit ). Petitions,demonstrations, legal actions,organised online forums, academics and prelates, commentators on every specialism - finance, foreign relations, international trade, have been brought to bear against the carrying out of the decision to leave the EU. Where does this heinous misbehaviour stem from, who are the main culprits? The facts are that Tory MPs were split roughly 50-50 on the issue, whereas Labour MPs were 90-10 for Remain.And given the enor...

88 : Brexit With Nothing More To Betray

There's not a great deal worth blogging about at present, in fact there hasn't been for quite some time.The two predominant topics that have motivated my output have broadly speaking been the conflict in Syria -which ineluctably is going the way of the Syrian government and its all important allies. The other topic that has occupied most of my political intellect is Brexit- and that is now all but dead and buried. Of course there are nuanced and polemical arguments to be debated about the conduct of the various belligerent parties in Syria just as there are with the various belligerent parties in the brexit battle.But by and large all the likeliest possibilities and developments have been aired and analysed. Nothing more can be usefully added. Various and diverse democratic national and regional elections throughout the Continent of Europe still manage to stimulate and most are eagerly awaited as they are de-facto plebiscites on further Euro-intergration. Back on June 28 ...

87 : The EU Funded PeoplesVote Pantomime Continues..

Wishing only to sledgehammer the point home and channelling  Monty Python's  " Dead Parrot "sketch without too much restraint. Brexit is dead.It is no more,it is an ex-brexit. The metropolitan ruling elites never fell out with each other over the 2016 EURef result.The swarms of Tory fruitflies so faux- vehemently protesting their undying patriotism were no more committed to enacting the British electorate's sovereign decision of 23 June 2016 than their equally scabrous counterparts. It was  " all lies and jsets " and we heard what we wanted to hear and disregarded the blindingly ineluctable obvious. The EU funded antidemocratic seditionists pretending to be  grassroots #PeoplesVote knew all this from the off. they are now simply being plain and obnoxiously boorish in parading their venal bombastic triumph over the British people. Once your enemy is dead and buried having a drunken party to celebrate lacks taste and genuine class. So, a few days ago it wa...

86 : Requiem For A Brexit

A Lamentation Upon Brexit & How We Were All Betrayed   ( With apologies to Simon & Garfunkel )   I have squandered my resistance For a pocket full of mumbles, such are promises All lies and jests Still a man hears what he wants to hear And disregards the rest.... And he carries the reminders Of ev'ry glove that laid him down Or cut him till he cried out In his anger and his shame "I am leaving, I am leaving" But the fighter still remains...     The European Union already in its previous guises ( EEC, EC ) had only one aim;to take down the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.And along it with all our Historic legacy,culture and society.   The globalist/multiculturalist PC metropolitan elites hijacked,( were allowed to hijack?) the EURef Leave Campaign which was necessary in order for them to ensure that the EU achieved that goal.   Bear that in mind when you come over all fuzzy and ...