87 : The EU Funded PeoplesVote Pantomime Continues..

Wishing only to sledgehammer the point home and channelling  Monty Python's " Dead Parrot "sketch without too much restraint. Brexit is dead.It is no more,it is an ex-brexit.
The metropolitan ruling elites never fell out with each other over the 2016 EURef result.The swarms of Tory fruitflies so faux- vehemently protesting their undying patriotism were no more committed to enacting the British electorate's sovereign decision of 23 June 2016 than their equally scabrous counterparts. It was  " all lies and jsets " and we heard what we wanted to hear and disregarded the blindingly ineluctable obvious.
The EU funded antidemocratic seditionists pretending to be  grassroots #PeoplesVote knew all this from the off. they are now simply being plain and obnoxiously boorish in parading their venal bombastic triumph over the British people.
Once your enemy is dead and buried having a drunken party to celebrate lacks taste and genuine class.
So, a few days ago it was variously reported that " more than 60 " and " more than 70 " business leaders had written to Theresa May demanding a second referendum. these 60 or was it 70 signed the letter as emanating from " Business for a People's Vote " an off shoot of the EU funded  and wholly bogus #PeoplesVote.
and then,just when you'd thought that their impudence and effrontery couldn't get any worse,get this,1,500 lawyers purporting to be " Lawyers for a People's Vote " aka EU funded City shysters on their extended lunch hour have signed a letter to the Anglican Tea Lady of The Year aka Theresa May,demanding an EURef re-run so as the stupid people might not vote incorrectly a second time as they did first.
Who was that said that History repeats itself,first as a tragedy then as a comedy.Or was that too much of a rhetorical question.


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