127 ; Mercosur - Ireland's Reward For Being A German EU Shill on Brexit

In the rest of the world it's July 2019 but meanwhile back in Britain we're currently reliving March 29 2019 - the day,which according to the Law as enacted by parliament,said that the UK was to Leave the EU.

And still the global metropolitan elitist pantomime continues unabated.The Tories are about to select one of two barely competent careerist clowns as their next party leader and the UK's Prime Minister.

Their,now soon to be, predecessor gave her valedictory interview in which she confirmed everything that anyone with even half a grasp of  Realpolitik already knew.She really is a politically inept,spineless, wheedling caricature of a petty bourgeois waste of space.

And meanwhile the Fenian statelet run from Dublin was coming face to face with its own revelation of a Realpolitik moment.That moment when an insignificant failed nation state realises its own utter insignificance in the larger world of politics and international diplomacy.

Having spent decades kowtowing and generally sucking up to the German / French EU hegemons -allowing Ireland's naively conceived sovereignty to be pimped out by the Berlin -Paris Axis for the sake of Euro fiscal discipline ,having only done so on the understanding of being treated favourably in the future;the 1 euro-shop De Valera Fenians wake up to the ineluctable reality of getting thrown under the proverbial bus of what is the EU -Mrecosur free trade deal.

So much for having acted the willing ( if overly venal posturing martinet whilst doing so) shill  for Germany in its calculated strategy of crippling  the UK's departure from the EU by creating out of thin air the imbroglio of a " backstop " for a farm track border non-issue bereft of any actual material or other importance other than to Republican tobacco,alcohol and red diesel smugglers.

Poor old misunderstood,somewhat plausibly contrite Theresa of the Lachrymose Countenance ; poor old Ireland and its practitioners of an iron age form of runic alphabet. Schadenfreude!!


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