
Showing posts from February, 2020

163 : Labour Leadership Election reaches Impasse :Which loser to elect for GE2024 Defeat ?

On April 4th, the Labour Party will have a new leader. Starmer, Nandy or Long-Bailey. The smart money is on Keir Starmer -chief Remainer,who has promised to campaign for the reintroduction of the EU's freedom of movement for labour. Given that to all intents and purposes Johnson's government has already pre-capitulated to the corporate globalists' agenda, Starmer's quixotic utterances on the issue are wholly inconsequential. The substantive debate among the leadership contenders has been on the conjoined areas of gender and identity politics. Whereas once upon a Class analysis of society time,Labour would address unemployment and poverty they are now consumed by men claiming to be women ,the "rights" of individuals to indulge in whatever sexual practices that they wish to and demand full public respect from the rest of society for doing so;  ad infinitum .  And on this egregious and wholly otiose basis some 600,000 individual party members will have th...

162 : Dawn Butler leads metropolitan revival of "No Sex Please ,We're Labour"..

Labour MP sends Twitter into meltdown over comments babies are born 'without sex' LABOUR MP Dawn Butler received a furious backlash on Twitter after she claimed "a child is born without sex" during a heated exchange with Richard Madeley on Good Morning Britain. By  SVAR NANAN-SEN PUBLISHED:  08:15, Tue, Feb 18, 2020  | UPDATED: 09:00, Tue, Feb 18, 2020                     Ms Butler clashed with Mr Madeley over their definitions of transgender. The ITV  Good Morning Britain host stated that when a child is born "they are identified and observed in a particular way." The Labour Party politician hit back saying "a child is born without sex." I don't post blogs much as I used to and particularly so in the wake of the triumph,somewhat delayed of Brexit from the the shackles of the EU tyranny. Three and a half years of railing against the EU funded seditionist procrastination and the attendant Sor...

161 : Time for democracy in Ireland ! #GE2020 Irish General Election

There comes a time in the affairs of nations when the past ought to be put behind them.History was ever thus;if it were otherwise then we in the UK  would be stranded in a perpetual imbroglio of recurring grievances and hatreds. Which of course certain areas such as the Balkans or the Middle east are and are not likely to emerge from them merely by the counting of years and decades as they pass. Were we something like them,then the offspring of the Roundheads and Royalists would still be embroiled in antipathies and conflicts related to their original struggles in the 1640s, which they are not. 72 hours ago,on Saturday 8 November,Ireland held its General Election and things will never be the same again. Sinn Fein irrevocably emerged as a major player in Dublin politics,one that will have important and lasting consequences for the future structure and coherence of the United Kingdom itself. The UK having gone through its own recent GE2019 in December still under the antiquate...

160 : Democrat Iowa Caucus Debacle Keeps Trump in Office

Donald J. Trump tweeted :- @realDonaldTrump Big WIN for us in Iowa tonight. Thank you! ………………………………………………………………………….. In the wake of an untimely and unforseeable(?) technical/administrative cock-up ,the commencement of the Democratic Party’s process to elect its candidate to challenge Donald Trump in November’s Presidential election,got off to a lamentably worse start than could ever have been contemplated. Media is everything and Social media is hegemonic;you look bad across its platforms and the stench lingers for a very long time afterward and becomes a kind of urban myth,a legend that is told and retold-where the cause of its initial telling becomes just one more source among many. Not that the Iowa Caucus or whichever candidate is announced as its winner truly matters. Donald J.trump will be re-elected President come November. Lies,lies and bigger lies wrapped up in a  paranoid conspiracy theory involving the government of Russ...