162 : Dawn Butler leads metropolitan revival of "No Sex Please ,We're Labour"..

Labour MP sends Twitter into meltdown over comments babies are born 'without sex'

LABOUR MP Dawn Butler received a furious backlash on Twitter after she claimed "a child is born without sex" during a heated exchange with Richard Madeley on Good Morning Britain.

I don't post blogs much as I used to and particularly so in the wake of the triumph,somewhat delayed of Brexit from the the shackles of the EU tyranny.

Three and a half years of railing against the EU funded seditionist procrastination and the attendant Soros backed campaign of unmitigated slander and defamation of the 52% pro Brexit majority by the ubiquitous,Labour led Remain,took its toll.

But the abject failure of that hostile,alien power-backed campaign to undermine and destroy British constitutional government & the accepted norms of democratic legitimacy,has taken its toll on the Labour Party and its supine toadying Trades Union ideological catamites.

The stunning victory of Boris Johnson's Tories in December 2019 sent Labour ( and one cannot genuinely separate Left from Right from Centre from up their own anal tracts) spinning off into the Purgatory of opposition and the ideological wilderness of gender and identity politics.

Which brings us up to date ,in the middle of the Labour leadership contest -Starmer v.Nandy v. Long-Bailey ,to Ms.Butler's deranged utterances that epitomise the cruel insanity of gender and identity politics.

It is now even a recordable hate incident by the Police in the UK if you robustly challenge the very notion of transgenderism.

Let's get to it then,shall we?

What's stopping me?


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