
Showing posts from November, 2017

11 : Trump Trashes Special Relationship

It's really hard trying to keep a " straight face ", whenever something otherwise minor and insignificant gets shoved to the top of the MSM agenda for the day. President Trump retweeted links to some highly contentious video content which purported to show certain egregious acts perpetrated by islamic extremists. Of and by themselves the video footage are not particularly informative and are singularly devoid of any semblance of gravitas and credibility. Apparently Sharks have the ability to sense 1 globule of blood amid 25 million globules of water. It took no time at all for the full panoply of Corporate MSM and every social media platform under the sun to join in the feeding frenzy over what charitably might be described as the President's gaffe. What exacerbated the whole incident was that Trump directed his initial tweet at the UK Prime Minister,after having initially tweeted the wrong Theresa May.There followed,quite naturally a response and of course PO...

10 : Irish Border - Post-Brexit ,The Great Non-Issue

The lamentable farrago over the UK's impending departure from the EU - aka the brexit negotiations - continues unabated. The UK domestic Remain campaign/Referendum verdict deniers are currently in the midst of throwing the kitchen sink at Brexit. Having already deployed the mendacious blackmail demands of the so-called " Divorce settlement " alongside the bogus lamentations and woefully insincere pleading of EU Citizens against the sensitive heartstrings of the May minority regime; the globalist plutocratic denizens of domestic metropolitan elitism and their Controllers in Brussels have now opened up a third front- that of the largely fictitious "problem" surrounding hypothetical difficulties envisaged around the Irish Border post- Brexit. Why is the failing minority Dublin regime stirring the proverbial merde at this time? The Irish Times lends an insight into the lickspittle grovelling demeanour of the bankrupt,inconsequential grubby little Irish state...

09 : Budget Day Disaster for May

Ceremony and tradition play the central role in the UK's parliamentary operations. The Chancellor of the Exchequer's perfunctory fiscal state of the nation speech is and has been for quite a long time now just that; ceremonial. The same government policies could as easily be outlined in bullet -point form and then voted on without all the accompanying Barnum & Bailey hoo-ha. The announcements are in any event of miniscule practical import and merely sustain that which is practically untenable. Facts trump wishful thinking.And once the customary flim-flammery had been tossed to one side, the sober economic analyses zeroed in to what little meat there was on the bone. The UK's GDP was still in the doldrums at the Financial Crash level of 2008 and wages are expected to continue in their parlous state for perhaps another decade. The anti - democratic, referendum verdict denying, brexit-sabotaging majority of MPs used the Budget day contretemps to inveigh further a...

08 : Merkel in a muddle;Schadenfreude abounds.

Even in the depths of our uttermost despair,the faint rays of hope still flicker.. Several weeks have now passed since Merkel's ruling CDU/CSU regime suffered a significant reversal of fortune at the German  Bundestag  elections. That damage was primarily inflicted by the emergence of the AfD who smashed their way into national federal contention with 12% of votes cast and the concomitant losses of the SPD who plummeted to a post-1945 electoral nadir. All this left Frau Merkel floundering at a disadvantage in a morass of political,factional horse trading that was supposed to lead to the formation of a new and dynamically unstable governing coalition.Which the newly reinvigorated FDP then proceeded to spectacularly torpedo with all the acumen and elan of a  U-Boot  menacing a hospital ship. For all the deserved vituperative mockery heaped on hapless,spineless ,creedless May for her doldrumesque clarion calls for a strong and stable government; Merkel careered ...

07 : May Pays Danegeld to EU

The following was gleaned from  twitter -   Donald Tusk ‏ Verified account   @ eucopresident   20h 20 hours ago   Discussed with PM @ theresa_may the calendar of # Brexit talks. Only if UK makes progress by early December, will I be ready to propose new guidelines on transition and future relations at December # EUCO . The current UK withdrawal negotiations with the EU are predicated on three points being met before any negotiations on the future trading relations between the UK and EU can commence. These three points relate to the status,( some might argue legally bogus in any event,but in the interests of brevity we'll let that pass for now,) of EU citizens sojourning in the UK; the status of the Irish border post-brexit and more substantially,the amount demanded by the EU as a " financial settlement " aka " Divorce Bill " in tabloid speak. Tusk is to all intents and purposes a jumped up, strutting,venal,little tinpot fleamarket P...

06 : The Syrian Imbroglio Continues

On Friday 13,November 2015 this happened in Paris (  gleaned from Reuter's online ). #WORLD NEWS NOVEMBER 14, 2015 / 12:06 AM / 2 YEARS AGO France in shock after Islamist attacks kill 129 Ingrid Melander ,  Marine Pennetier  PARIS (Reuters) - French prosecutors said on Saturday that three coordinated teams of gunmen and suicide bombers carried out a wave of attacks across Paris that killed 129 people in what President Francois Hollande called an “act of war” by Islamic State. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Two years on and ISIS/DAESH  inspired/instigated Islamic Terrorism still runs rampant across western europe.   Two years on and a BBC News investigation uncovers the previously secret deal between ISIS/DAESH and the US /NATO led  Syrian Democratic Forces. An agreement allowing some 250 battle hardened i...

05 : Remoaner Madman Claims Article 50 Can Be Stopped

Remoaner metropolitan elitists are nothing if not brazen and calculating beyond the bounds of cyncism. Their latest wheeze is to announce as loudly and screechingly as possible from within the confines of their own straitjackets, the egregiously moronic supposition that Article 50 can be reversed and or withdrawn. For the excessively pig ignorant and monumentally indifferent , this snippet gleaned from  The Daily Telegraph:- A rticle 50 of the Treaty of Lisbon gives any EU member the right to quit unilaterally, and outlines the procedure for doing so. It gives the leaving country two years to negotiate an exit deal and once it's set in motion it can't be stopped except by unanimous consent of all member states. The putative  auteur of this Bonapartist shyster-speak sits in the British House of Lords and goes under the moniker Lord Kerr. (Wayne) Kerr's forthright criticism of the ailing May regime's pronouncements on EU withdrawal, as being lies certainly l...

04: Remoaners Blame NHS "Crisis" On Brexit

There's was a NHS Providers conference held on 8 November and it was all about the putative underfunding of the National Health Service.Well,there's something new! The NHS Chief Executive Simon Stevens set his stall out pretty early ensuring that his tawdry,bombastic posturing was top of the agenda.And not necessarily the Conference's agenda but rather every news agenda. "Trust in democratic politics will not be strengthened if anyone now tries to argue you voted Brexit, partly for a better funded health service, but precisely because of Brexit you now can't have one." - Sir Simon Stevens , Chief Executive of NHS England The entire exercise in gargantuan,egotistical  virtue signalling by Stevens merits the epithet  Straw man :- straw man noun 1 . an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument. 2 . a person regarded as having no substance or ...

03 : Accidental Death of Spanish Democracy

It is five weeks now since  the question of independence from the Spanish State was put to the people of Catalonia in a referendum. That exercise was deemed by the Constitutional Court, sitting in Madrid, to be  ultra vires  vis a vis the Spanish Federal Constitution.Consequently they invoked Article 155 and effectively sacked the Catalan regional administration en bloc. Were it have been so simple as they had imagined it would be; alas not. Some of the pro-independence Catalan leadership relocated to Brussels whilst some others were apprehended and taken into Spanish legal custody in whose gaol they now languish. The late great Dario Fo would no doubt have revelled in the absurdity of it all and have composed   The Accidental Death of the Spanish State. Clearly,the tenuous post-Francoist constitutional legitimacy of the Iberian regime has been cast into doubt. Monday ,6 November has news reports from Belgium that a Judge,in the wake of the authoriti...

02: ISIS Crisis Hits NYC

Another day,another Islamic terrorist outrage. This time it's the turn of New York City to have a fanatic drive a truck into crowds of innocent bystanders going about their daily lives. The Police managed to apprehend the perpetrator who the neocon warmonger Senator for Arizona John McCain called for to be treated as an enemy combatant. McCain was of course being his usual odious cynical machiavellian self.Given the US neocon interventionist agenda and use of Al Qaeda and ISIS/DAESH as surrogates in their regime change skulduggery in Syria and elsewhere. The Washington based Institute for the Study of War, ISW prior to this latest outrage had shared:- " ISW's  @ JennyCafarella  in September: ISIS is waging a social and informational campaign targeting populations in the West. "   A view, the perp Saipov ,confirmed willingly of his own volition from the hospital where he is currently receiving medical attention following his arrest at the scene. What then ...

01: The Catalonia Imbroglio

Sclerosis -rigidity,the inability to adapt. It is four weeks since the constitutionally legitimate Catalan regional government conducted its referendum on the question of independence from the Spanish state on October 1st. Four weeks on, Carles Puigdemont the Catalan President faces the possibility of being arraigned by Spain's public prosecutor on charges of rebellion.Other elected members of the Catalan Assembly might also face similar charges. These are prominent amongst the sombre notes being struck in a mounting cacophony of death knells sounding out across Europe announcing the temporal demise of the EU globalist tyranny. The post- Francoist federal Spanish state has proven to be just as institutionally,politically and diplomatically sclerotic as its European Union mothership of whom it is the merest vassal. Any reasonably adept political leadership, skilled in the arts of statecraft and the exigencies of  realpolitik  could have and would have negotiated a way...