11 : Trump Trashes Special Relationship
It's really hard trying to keep a " straight face ", whenever something otherwise minor and insignificant gets shoved to the top of the MSM agenda for the day. President Trump retweeted links to some highly contentious video content which purported to show certain egregious acts perpetrated by islamic extremists. Of and by themselves the video footage are not particularly informative and are singularly devoid of any semblance of gravitas and credibility. Apparently Sharks have the ability to sense 1 globule of blood amid 25 million globules of water. It took no time at all for the full panoply of Corporate MSM and every social media platform under the sun to join in the feeding frenzy over what charitably might be described as the President's gaffe. What exacerbated the whole incident was that Trump directed his initial tweet at the UK Prime Minister,after having initially tweeted the wrong Theresa May.There followed,quite naturally a response and of course PO...