09 : Budget Day Disaster for May

Ceremony and tradition play the central role in the UK's parliamentary operations.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer's perfunctory fiscal state of the nation speech is and has been for quite a long time now just that; ceremonial. The same government policies could as easily be outlined in bullet -point form and then voted on without all the accompanying Barnum & Bailey hoo-ha.

The announcements are in any event of miniscule practical import and merely sustain that which is practically untenable.

Facts trump wishful thinking.And once the customary flim-flammery had been tossed to one side, the sober economic analyses zeroed in to what little meat there was on the bone.

The UK's GDP was still in the doldrums at the Financial Crash level of 2008 and wages are expected to continue in their parlous state for perhaps another decade.

The anti - democratic, referendum verdict denying, brexit-sabotaging majority of MPs used the Budget day contretemps to inveigh further against a pathetically weak and timid government and its miserable handling of the Brexit negotiations vis a vis the EU.

In all, it was a disappointing exposition of what ought to be a lively parliamentary democracy where the Parties first instinct should be fundamentally aligned to the demands of the UK's inalienable national sovereignty.

Fat chance of that.


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