04: Remoaners Blame NHS "Crisis" On Brexit

There's was a NHS Providers conference held on 8 November and it was all about the putative underfunding of the National Health Service.Well,there's something new!

The NHS Chief Executive Simon Stevens set his stall out pretty early ensuring that his tawdry,bombastic posturing was top of the agenda.And not necessarily the Conference's agenda but rather every news agenda.

"Trust in democratic politics will not be strengthened if anyone now tries to argue you voted Brexit, partly for a better funded health service, but precisely because of Brexit you now can't have one." - Sir Simon Stevens, Chief Executive of NHS England

The entire exercise in gargantuan,egotistical  virtue signalling by Stevens merits the epithet Straw man :-

straw man
  1. 1.
    an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument.
  2. 2.
    a person regarded as having no substance or integrity.
    And that's about it.
    Sufficient unto the day, the blathering bow scraping humbug nonsense of the seditionist metropolitan elitist EU shill, thereof.


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