18 : 2018,the seditionist onslaught against Brexit to Continue...

2017 ended with metropolitan elitist nonpareil Lord Adonis flouncing out of his part-time day job in government as the head of the National Infrastructure Commission, in protest apparently at the aforementioned pantomime show's handling of Brexit.

By doing so Adonis, the putative war-criminal and former UK premier Blair's crony, left the equivalent of dog turd on mischief night on No.10's doorstep.
According to the immature miscreant himself it wasn't so much as a pile of unwelcome canine excreta as a protest born out of a personal,divinely inspired epiphany experienced whilst attending a church service at an Austrian ski resort.

Adonis expressed the conviction that he is on a mystically inspired mission to delay and derail the EU Withdrawal Bill and with it Brexit in its entirety.He happens to be entirely mistaken on the matter as on March 29 2019,the UK shall legally cease to be a member state of the EU.

But empirical data,facts,reason,logic,the Law,Realpolitik and such like have little or indeed no bearing whatsoever on the demented outpourings of otiose cant and vacuous platitudes that gush out of the facial orifices of Remoaners like so much effluent from a sewage pipe outlet.

The Remain campaign, in particular over 200 MPs of the Labour Party, have spent every waking moment since the early hours of June 24 2016 denying the constitutional and legal validity of the referendum result and concomitantly slandering,defaming and denouncing all the 17.4 million British citizens, many of them their own constituents, that voted for Leave.

The Remoaners will not desist from this egregious and unwholesome Goebbels-esque propaganda blitz on democracy in 2018.They have given every indication that they will in fact intensify their insidious seditionist warfare on the character,standing and integrity of the 17.4 million and however many amongst Remain voters actually value  patriotic democracy above reckless partisanship.

It is therefore incumbent upon all patriotic,democratic civic minded people to counter this clear and present danger that threatens to snatch defeat from the jaws of Victory.

Then again, would the Remoaners really want to try and  live in a world where the consequences of their antidemocratic sedition are all too real?


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