23 : Deluded General rants about imaginary threat from Russia

A couple of days ago at RUSI aka the Royal United Services Institute, in a much trailed speech approved by Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson , Chief of the General Staff,General Sir Nick Carter stirred the proverbial international diplomatic merde.

General Sir Nick Carter controversially claimed that Russian hostility could come sooner than expected and the UK must prepare to "fight the war we might have to fight".

The bemedalled Carter further alleged that Russia was building an increasingly aggressive expeditionary force and the potential military threats to the UK "are now on Europe's doorstep".

Carter claimed that the Kremlin already boasted an "eye-watering quantity of capability" - a level the UK would struggle to match with regard to  what he said was Russia's new cyber warfare capabilities as well as Russian long-range missile strike capability, which he said was demonstrated in Syria when 26 missiles were deployed from a 1,500km (930 mile) range.

Carter stressed that Britain "must take notice of what is going on around us" or that the ability by the UK to take action will be "massively constrained".

According to the UK's senior military figure these alleged threats " will creep up on us, and our ability to act will be markedly constrained - and we'll be the losers of this competition," he surmised on the basis of no verifiable,tangible,empirical evidence whatsoever.

And as a complete non -sequitur the beribboned buffoon added that he did "not in any way" want to suggest that Russia would go to war in the traditional sense, but that Moscow "could initiate hostilities sooner than we expect".

"I don't think it will start with little green men, it will start with something we don't expect." he concluded. Leaving his audience none the wiser.

Except for the leading harridan of the metropolitan Labour led antidemocratic ,anti-brexit  Remoaner conspiracy. Mary Creagh MP for Wakefield who in the immediate aftermath of General Blatherchops' rhetorical discharge,posted a characteristically assertive piece prefaced with the following utterly fatuous,otiose cant ( with a link to The Times article on the speech itself ) on social media:- (Gleaned from MC's facebook page )

22 January at 14:35 ·
It only took the Russians 15 minutes to wipe out two Ukrainian battalions. Today the head of the army warned the Conservatives to reverse cuts and boost spending or British troops would suffer the same fate.

Call for the Nurse:she's forgotten to take her meds again!


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