47 : Brexit Betrayed -The Anatomy of Treason

In a few weeks time,it will be two years since the historic Referendum on the UK's continued membership of the EU took place.

Leave or Remain.That was the choice placed before the sovereign British electorate.Leave meant,explicitly, the UK leaving the customs union and the single market.

Literally no-one in the corridors of power,either in Whitehall or in Parliament actually believed that the British people would vote to Leave the EU.No-one.Not a single bureaucrat nor any department prepared any plans for such a contingency and neither were they asked to by anyone in government.
Well,it seems that two years on from that historic day the notionally defeated Remain campaign may have triumphed regardless of having only polled 48% of the votes cast.

The British 23 June referendum looks increasingly likely to be added to the long list of referendums conducted by EU member states over the years that somehow,invariably end up being disregarded,annulled or simply re-run.

The UK Deep State is hydra-headed,chopping off one head doesn't do it.The metropolitan-domiciled, Oxbridge academics,political class,commentariat,experts and industry leaders threw everything at the Leave campaign during the referendum and carried on afterwards by throwing even more including the proverbial kitchen sink at " brexit ".

They - The Remoaners - did manage to turn a sow's ear of an argument over mundane facts and figures into a looming existentialist crisis. They did this by quite simply telling the most brazen lies imaginable on every conceivable issue and problem arising from the UK exiting the EU.
They also might just about get away with this coup d'etat-by-stealth,the to all intents and purposes annulment of brexit if their luck holds.The question arises as to whether or not the Remoaners' luck will hold.
They're gambling that the widespread acceptance of parliamentary politics and representation as legitimate amongst the electorate will still prevail after the betrayal of Brexit occurs.

This presents an interesting dilemma for our metropolitan ruling elites and their political class.And given their previous form,they are very unlikely to have any contingencies in place when it all really does go tits up on them.


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