56 : Cannabis OIl The Trojan Horse For Legalisation

It is axiomatic that nothing undermines law and order more effectively than hysterical shroud waving pleas of exceptionalism.

But this is the UK 2018 and a couple of genuinely tragic and emotionally upsetting cases involving vulnerable,ill children have become corporate MSM headline fodder.

And nothing quite upsets the quotidian equilibrium as the pain and agony of a child plastered about everywhere and the Mother of such a child emoting.

The decadent,some would say inherently degenerate,metropolitan ruling elites and their kowtowing lackeys of the political class favour decriminalisation and/or legalisation of cannabis and have done so for decades.
Not only do they wish that the civilian populace remains ideologically compliant and docile but that widespread casual  and frivolous use of cannabis will reinforce this general state of affairs and in turn render a great service to those metropolitan liberal elites and their political lackeys.

The whole contrived farcical and facetious public discourse around this hue and cry over exceptionalism for the medicinal use of cannabis because of the otherwise untreatable suffering of innocent children,is the very epitome of cold,calculated cynicism by the proponents of cannabis addiction.

The last plank in the edifice of a scaffold that's been under construction since the 1960's, legalised /decriminalised cannabis fits in neatly side by side to abortion on demand,normalised sodomy,etc.etc.

And exploitative pictures of actual suffering children trumps reason,logic, even genuine compassion.


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