65 :Open Britain Organised Food Shortage Hysteria Grips UK

A couple of days ago,on July 25, Anglican Tea Lady of the Year Theresa May assured the Public that they had nothing to worry about regarding her government making adequate preparations for what is termed somewhat inaccurately as a  " No-deal Brexit " on March 29 2019.

Their had been contrived rumours and denials over civil service plans for the stock piling of food and medicines in anticipation of a no-deal brexit.

This government has excelled itself by being complicit in the holding of two simultaneous and partially contradictory straw man arguments; a feat not even heard since the dying days of the former German Democratic Republic.

Her assurance itself being merely the only logical step on from the preceding shenaningans.
Herewith gleaned from Bloomberg quoting AP et al on June 3 2018...

London (AP) -- British civil servants have warned of shortages of food, fuel and medicines within weeks if the U.K. leaves the European Union next year without a trade deal, a newspaper reported Sunday.
The Sunday Times said government officials have modeled three potential scenarios for a "no deal" Brexit: mild, severe and "Armageddon."
It said under the "severe" scenario, the English Channel ferry port of Dover would "collapse on day one" and supermarkets and hospitals would soon run short of supplies.
Britain wants to strike a deal on future trade relations with the EU before it officially leaves the bloc on March 29, 2019, but officials are also drawing up plans for negotiations ending without an agreement.

And so on and so forth back to August 2017 when the British Retail Consortium and the National Farmers Union bewailed the apparent,though largely unsubstantiated claims of a rapidly depleting workforce for the harvests because of brexit.

This is the Brexit Deniers' endgame.

Open Britain and its hydra headed Remain campaign incarnations have now already launched virtually their entire arsenal of black propaganda narratives.

From the weaponising of the murder of Jo Cox MP to the fabricated wave of reported "hate crime" to an impending shortage of NHS nurses and doctors.
And now? its going to be Great Britain 1917 and the German U-Boat blockade all over again. Apparently.

The Soros funded , Open Britain co-ordinated, seditionist Remain propaganda onslaught continues,unabated.

To which,as History ineluctably shows ,there will in time be a massive retaliatory strike from those lied to,condescended to,slandered,defamed,marginalised,cheated and betrayed.

Looking forward to it already.


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