79 : PeoplesVote complete victory at LabConf2018

In an excellent article  New Statesman published 19 September Jonathan Rutherford examines the decline of the Labour Party.

This gleaned from his introduction:-

" The future of British politics will be about the nation state of England, the union of our four nations, and their democratic and economic renewal. It will be about the renascence of the everyday life of work and family. Yet the problem for the left is its domination by an older political generation that lost faith in the idea of the nation, is sceptical about the future of work and doesn’t seem to believe in the family.
Throughout its history, the Labour Party has embodied the paradox of being both radical and conservative, and so it has played a vital role both in maintaining the traditions of the country and shaping its modernity. These dispositions are not party political. They are qualities of mind and character that are woven into the fabric of our English culture. In the words of John Stuart Mill, one demands the uprooting of existing institutions and creeds; the other demands that they be made a reality. One presses new ideas to their utmost consequences; the other reasserts the best meaning and purposes of the old. England’s paradoxical nature is embedded in our constitutional settlement. "

Well,thanks for that Jonathan.As you can see from social media and MSM ,it's all gone spectacularly tits up,again.

#labconf2018 was so brim full of otiose cant and vacuous platitudes, plans that will never be implemented and policies that will never see light of day,it's difficult to discern what is truly important.Though on this occasion, the in-roads made by the EU funded #PeoplesVote campaign is clearly the most insidious of all the aspiring ne'er do wells.

Keir Starmer ,metropolitan elitist shyster extraordinaire,went off piste in his Peoples Vote speech in the conference main hall to stake his claim to the Labour leadership,whose throne many feel might become vacant sooner rather than later.

Fellow metropolitan MP David Lammy,norf landan paranoid conspiracy theorist nonpareil, also staked his claim to the forthcoming leadership vacancy during an address outside at a Peoples Vote outdoor meeting where Tottenham's finest out-hyperbolised Starmer.

Yet another metropolitan MP,Chuka Umunna ,who is a person of "Collar " is also in the Peoples Vote triumvirate of putative next demagogue to lead Labour contest.

Len McCluskey ,UNITE union general secretary who on a 12% membership turnout to elect the union's next general secretary garnered  less than 50% on a 3 way split ballot. The point with Len is that he told  shyster Keir Starmer off for going off piste and saying that the option to Remain in the EU will be on the referendum ballot should Labour get into power and seek to reverse Brexit.

Which underscores, even for the lame of mind and dull of wit the scale of the imbroglio Labour have ineluctably been drawn into.

Virtually all Trades Union leaderships had committed their respective memberships to supporting Remain in the 2016 EURef and to providing the door step canvassing cannon fodder that is the mainstay and lifeblood of all MPs parliamentary sinecures.

It largely didn't work out that way in practice on the ground.Some 70% of  parliamentary constituencies with Labour MPs voted Leave. Which totally buggered everything up for the smug,condescending,PC metropolitan elitist political class.

So another conference ends for one moribund,no longer fit for purpose major parliamentary party and another one,the Conservatives is about to begin.

They both need to implode existentially and sooner rather than later. They are both historic corpses the malodorous stench of which will only get worse the longer they remain unburied.

Their gravediggers are getting impatient.


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