85 : Requiem For A Phoney Referendum
To quote that haunting line,one of many,from Pink Floyd's Dark Side of The Moon ,there's nothing more to say. There really isn't and Peter Hitchens has said what needed saying on brexit better,more succinctly and incisively than just about any journalist /commentator anywhere. So, gleaned from his Mail on Sunday blog of 20 October 2018 :- " Negotiation is a test of strength. And Britain is far weaker than the giant German empire that is the EU. Sooner or later, if we truly want to get out of that empire, we are going to have to grasp this. Poor, hopeless Theresa May hasn’t a chance, not least because she has never really wanted to leave. So she flounders between wild fake militancy, adopted to protect her right flank, and pathetic weakness – her actual position. But I have even less time for the posturing braggarts, on all sides of the question, who now pretend that their positions are so pure and wonderful that they cannot give a...