83 : DUP The Final Stand on Brexit

The following appeared a couple of days ago on Belfast Telegraph Digital :-

Tories decide to add a commitment to holding an " In-Out" referendum on EU membership to their manifesto for GE2015. They do it,in what their leadership assumes is a countervailing and pre-emptive manouevre to stop further votes being lost to UKIP.

Against the odds,Cameron leads his Party to an outright victory with a 20-odd seats overall majority.
Parliament approves with virtually no dissenting votes against that a binding In-Out referendum will be held on June 23 2016.
As polling booths closed on June 22,leading bookmakers were quoting that the Remain campaign is 9 to 1 on, to win.In lay man's terms that means in order to win £1 you'd have to place a bet of £9.That's the racingiest certainty of all time.
Except that the bookies' and the metropolitan elites' and political establishment's favourite came in second.

2 years of unabated Sturm und drang ensued.

During which time Cameron & Osborne jumped ship asap after the Leave victory and Theresa May - Anglican Tea Lady of the Year became Tory leader and with it PM after having campaigned for Remain.
By 2017 she'd become more confused than usual and in a prolonged fit of political hubris called for and engineered a General election which the opposition parties generously helped her to do.A 20-odd seats overall majority got blown out of the water,but as still the largest party, the Tories cut a deal with the DUP to allow them to govern.So instead of gaining a surer grip on the brexit negotiations with a larger Tory overall majority who she could command at will, May the supreme anti-strategist ended up with no majority and her premiership and dreams of grandeur on life support with the switch firmly in the grasp of a fiercely pro-brexit DUP.

And so on and so forth up to the present day.

Brexit itself remains firmly on course to be utterly,callously and brutally betrayed by the nation's political class.Something like 80% of the itinerant Westminster benchwarmers were for Remain and were always highly unlikely to expedite matters in such a manner as to assuage the expectations that a Vote for Leave unleashed.

As for the contrived hysteria and virtue signalling over the Irish border and all the quasi-theological cant over a backstop and the Good Friday Agreement,blah,blah,blah remember this; the ratbag Fenian regime residing in Dublin has to have its national budget approved by a committee of the German Bundestag before it,the ragbag regime in Dublin is even allowed to spend any of its own pocket money.

Treachery ,hypocrisy and otiose cant are the political class' tools of the trade.And the sooner the tumbrils come to cart them all off,the better.

And so it goes...


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