80 : Conservatives Rubberstamp Brexit Betrayal

There's something vitally important taking place in England today.Only I can't remember what it is or where it's being held or even what it's supposed to be about that makes it seem so terribly important to some people.

And that ladies and gentlemen is a concise a report on the proceedings of the Conservative Party Conference 2018 in Birmingham as it is possible render.

Oh. go on then, herewith some further musings on this sad and tragic event.

Had the insufferably patronising,self-entitlement flaneurs of the Tory hierarchy that came out in support of Leave, even at least half-heartedly put together as broad a based political coalition for Leave leadership team, then quite possibly we might all be many miles down the road from Stalag Luft IV by now instead of arguing about who should go first through the escape tunnel's exit and into the forest which the tunnel fell fifty feet short of due to planning miscalculations.

The EU's funded #PeoplesVote aka #OpenBritain aka #LabourIn ( aka the Labour Party all wings & factions ) has already seemingly persuaded half the inmates of Stalag Luft IV , that they should stay put and renegotiate the terms and conditions of their imprisonment with the prison camp's administration.

The Conservative Party, au contraire has no place for such brazen expressions of antidemocratic,unconstitutional sedition.They're already fully booked.

The only reassuring augury to manifest itself is that which clearly indicates the approaching final doom of the entire misbegotten and otiose enterprise still calling itself Conservative. It's no more that than Labour is anything anymore to do with labour.

In that sense Brexit has succeeded admirably; it's ostensible purpose may have suffered a seemingly substantive set back and even have been defeated.

But its true purpose has delivered the torpedoes into the respective engine rooms of the two antiquated rustbuckets of Conservative and Labour with unerring and implacable deadly accuracy.

Game over!


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