93 : The Tsunami of Change is Blowing All Across Europe
Contemporary politics is so exciting right now ; Gilets Jaunes are setting the agenda in France; Germany has a burgeoning populist movement/Party in the AfD . Italy has an activist Coalition government Lega /M5S that's seemingly prepared to mix it with the EU over national budget and debt issues. And so on and so forth.
Belgium has a minority government that's falling apart,as governments invariably do in Belgium, Hungary and Poland are both somewhat at loggerheads with the overbearing and tyrannical EU over domestic laws and the exercise of sovereignty.
And in the UK? Theresa May -former Anglican Tea Lady of the Year - has "won" a vote of confidence among her own party's parliamentary representatives by 200 to 117.Which resolved let alone solved absolutely nothing regarding the on going post-modern performance installation art work known as Brexit.
The 19th Century FPTP,single member constituency form of parliamentary representation ossified into the straitjacket of two major political parties-both historically in decline-merely exacerbates the hiatus of political legitimacy and democratic governance within the UK.
As Marxist-Leninists might say, were they still in the Realpolitik business and of some conceivable relevance ,the requisite necessary preconditions favourable to the advance of revolutionary politics has been attained ( or very nearly so ).
There is a nascent #YellowVestsUK that might,though I personally doubt it, take on the scope of and have the impact of the French #GiletsJaunes. There hasn't been a genuine extra-parliamentary mass political movement in the UK of any heft since the Chartists back in the 1840s.
Too badly led for far too many decades by regressive,blinkered Lefts of many shades,extra-parliamentary protest has too often been neutered and rendered inert by those very forces that were supposedly aiming for a revolutionary overthrow.It has fallen to the non-Left aka the Right to provide any potential bedrock on which alternate structures can be built.
Still,all in all the tsunami;tidal wave upon tidal wave,is picking up intensity and it doesn't take a weatherman to tell you once the weather changes.
Belgium has a minority government that's falling apart,as governments invariably do in Belgium, Hungary and Poland are both somewhat at loggerheads with the overbearing and tyrannical EU over domestic laws and the exercise of sovereignty.
And in the UK? Theresa May -former Anglican Tea Lady of the Year - has "won" a vote of confidence among her own party's parliamentary representatives by 200 to 117.Which resolved let alone solved absolutely nothing regarding the on going post-modern performance installation art work known as Brexit.
The 19th Century FPTP,single member constituency form of parliamentary representation ossified into the straitjacket of two major political parties-both historically in decline-merely exacerbates the hiatus of political legitimacy and democratic governance within the UK.
As Marxist-Leninists might say, were they still in the Realpolitik business and of some conceivable relevance ,the requisite necessary preconditions favourable to the advance of revolutionary politics has been attained ( or very nearly so ).
There is a nascent #YellowVestsUK that might,though I personally doubt it, take on the scope of and have the impact of the French #GiletsJaunes. There hasn't been a genuine extra-parliamentary mass political movement in the UK of any heft since the Chartists back in the 1840s.
Too badly led for far too many decades by regressive,blinkered Lefts of many shades,extra-parliamentary protest has too often been neutered and rendered inert by those very forces that were supposedly aiming for a revolutionary overthrow.It has fallen to the non-Left aka the Right to provide any potential bedrock on which alternate structures can be built.
Still,all in all the tsunami;tidal wave upon tidal wave,is picking up intensity and it doesn't take a weatherman to tell you once the weather changes.
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