95 : #Brexit ,#GiletsJaunes #Syria #SyriaWithdrawal - 2019 Looking Good.

Usually I post a blog every 3 to 4 days throughout the month. In a typical year I make about 100 annual posts.

December just ended was a pretty low aggregated total; why? because there was naff all to post anything new about.

Syria  - The Balkan Wars I & II for our Age continues to sink ever deeper into an already unfathomable sociopolitical /  geopolitical strategic imbroglio,even with Trump's announcement of a US withdrawal and Erdogan -led Turkey's continuing ceaseless impatient pawing of the ground like some slavering,psychotic dog of war raring to get at the Kurds.

In calmer climes, Brexit or rather what's left of it, is being slowly slowly shoved into a coffin that obviously is just a little too tight for comfort but nevertheless the metropolitan domiciled elites are wearying ever so slightly of their ludicrous pretend-antagonisms over a matter they all agree should never have been put before the People in a binding plebiscite in the first place.

Whether the Gilets jaunes  phenomenon effectively crosses La Manche and takes on uniquely british characteristics in response,partially, to the grand brexit betrayal is a matter of some considerable doubt and uncertainty at this point.Even though March 29 2019 is enshrined by an Act of Parliament and is therefore the Law.

But the Law,in most circumstances is there only for show ;just like International Law when it comes to the integrity of the territory of a sovereign nation state with whom another country isn't at war.

My prediction for 2019 ? Schadenfreude will probably be epic this year..


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