96 : Winter is Coming for the Snowflake Seditionist Trash MPs

Widespread consternation and alarm were reported as erupting yesterday amid scenes of unprecedented rudeness and lack of civility shown toward our social betters as groups of  " Yellow Vest " protestors  subjected Anna Soubry MP to verbal abuse on College Green outside the Houses of Parliament...
Several other MPs made an official complaint to the Kommissar of the Metropolitan Nee-naw Plod regarding the unacceptable and potentially terroristic threat to security posed by such protestors...

Radical dissent goes back centuries and the emerging Yellow Vests UK - a sort of British Gilets Jaunes manque are continuing a tradition that takes in the Peasants Revolt ( Wat Tyler 1381 and all that ) ,Ketts Rebellion (1545 ) ,The Levellers,The Chartists etc. Not that any of it matters or is even regarded as historically significant by the amoeboid non-entities of which the entire Left/Socialist spectrum of UK domestic politics is composed of.

Actual Brexit aka Leaving the EU as voted for legally,constitutionally and with the prior and solemn endorsement of and promulgated by Parliament, has been utterly betrayed. And in any event,sworn oaths not withstanding,the metropolitan domiciled ruling elites and their political class hirelings posing as elected representatives of the sovereign British electorate,never intended nor wanted a referendum on the UKs EU vassalage.

Hence the avalanche of toys from their prams and tantrums par excellence from the leading Petainist /Quisling Remoaner trash MPs who have been ruthlessly subjected to  " rudeness " in a public place.

Come March 30th this year it won't be a solitary snowflake getting earache on College Green; oh no, the EU funded seditionist metropolitan elitist snowflake trash #PeoplesVote MPs ain't seen nothing yet.

For them,Winter is coming


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