97 : Parliament to Continue #PeoplesVote Pantomime to bury #Brexit

The 650, mostly idle, careerist benchwarming mendicants sojourning at the Palace of Westminster will soon be voting on,as we are led to believe, a vote on the vote of the vote on Anglican Tea Lady of the Year( Theresa May ) brexit " deal ".

But then again perhaps not.This,however is how all badly produced ,acted and directed pantomimes end.The metropolitan domiciled,

Our largely Oxbridge educated,metropolitan domiciled elites as a whole never wanted a referendum on the UK's continuing vassalage to the EU.None of them.Even those who went to great lengths to persuade the public that they somehow had taken a sudden and passionate interest in restoring our country's sovereignty by exiting the EU
We have essentially arrived at the present imbroglio as a result of Cameron going missing after the spectacular mis-fire of his cunning referendum plan to head off UKIP in the 2015 polls which led to a committed Remoaner being stage-managed into the Tory leadership and thereby the premiership.

Which is all basically third rate political persiflage that passes for deep,meaningful political and philosophical debate in contemporary Britain.

Across la Manche, Gilets Jaunes are causing increasing consternation among France's europhile globalist ruling elites with astounding alacrity.So much so in fact that Chief Petainist Petomane Macron has given the nod  to his Riot Police goon squads to go around beating the crap out of anyone they feel like,usually at odds of 6 to 1 in favour of the duffers-up versus those getting duffed up.

Does any of this have any lingering or potential significance for the all too laid back,nay sanguine British electorate? probably not,then again we'll find out after 29 March,won't we?


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