100 : Leave D-Day Countdown Continues - PeoplesVote Become Even More Hysterical


I confidently predict another slow,somewhat laborious news-unworthy month of posting blogs,probably up to a maximum of 5 just as February closes.

And now back to the scheduled blog post:-

February 5,2019 ,52 days hence according to Statue Law enacted by Parliament, the UK will leave the EU on March 29.

It would be a virtually,historically unparalleled abrogation of trust and democratic constitutional legitimacy were the political class through some arcane or obscurantist parliamentary device to halt,stymie or in any way delay this enactment of Law which they themselves have passed.

However,those rogues and charlatans probably will contrive something to make it appear as if they - the 650 itinerant careerist Westminster benchwarmers - are really doing the rest of us -aka the sovereign British electorate - some kind of an altruistic favour by pulling the plug at the very last moment on Leave.

Some of the media Commentariat and various pundits-manque are making what they believe is an informed guess,that some form of British  Gilets Jaunes  will arise,form and take shape.Hence the pathetic maunderings of the recently announced Whitehall Civil Service contingency planning for the imposition of a Martial law scenario in anticipation of projected civil unrest.

I'd love to be actively taking part in that kind of existentially exciting scenario,but given the post-1945 history of mass political action in these islands,widespread civil unrest causing the metropolitan ruling elites and their political class to cack their pants,is just a little more than highly unlikely.

Though a broader retrospective of English political ferment does show some reassuring peaks of robust activism when challenging the presiding ruling elites of their time.

March 29, a date with destiny enshrined into Law by the very footpads and ne'er -do-wells who in the main oppose the very thing which the Law insists will come about ineluctably on that date.It really is a measure of how interminably stupid our political ( paid for by the EU and metropolitan elites ) class is.
And today February 5 2019,D-Day minus 52, the incessant whirlwind of various online social media and corporate headlines exclaiming that Brexit among others is going to :- cause a crisis in the construction industry,a crisis in farming and food supplies,in the road haulage trade, in exports and imports in general,in the waste disposal sector,in the NHS with not only staff shortages but also provision of medicines and so on and so forth ad infinitum.

What a load of bollox.

I would hate to think what the Remoaners will be saying when they lose their called for second referendum,when this is how they behave having called and lost once already.


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