103 : Labour Split? Who can tell the Difference ?

February 19 2019, D-Day minus 39.

On March 29 all will change and nothing will have changed.

If only the UK's polity was not fundamentally crippled by and retarded in its potential evolution by the retention 19th Century First Past The Post mechanism.If only this ,that and if only the other.Had the Tories under Cameron not promised a referendum,and Parliament not agreed to make it  binding.

It's how History keeps moving on,not so much by heroic,noble,enlightened actions and plans but through error,miscalculation,weakness and vacillation. The strong must govern.It is better when they do.

Our present predicament is and has been for far too long, that we are encumbered by a plethora of weak, stupid, cowardly compromising liberally-inclined pasty-face spineless conformists who long ago succumbed to every globalist/ multicuturalist policy and prejudice and ideological crankery that has wrought devastation on our Society.

That seven MPs resigned from the Labour Party to sit as  "independents" in the HoC is actually monumentally insignificant.The historic political unimportance of this passing phenomena cannot be exaggerated too much.

A continuing,seemingly unabated tsunami of authentic democratic Populism is sweeping across the constituent satrapies of the EU and beating the living electoral daylights out of Britsh Labour's sister parties without let or hindrance -social democracy -has been consigned to the editor of history's reject pile.It ain't coming back ever again.Ditto any Liberal party of any heretofore significance in any numbers.

Tragedy and farce,which comes first? The UK domiciled metropolitan cultural and political elites are the kamikaze pilot who realises that they really don't have a parachute after March 29.

 Labour can't save them. Of the present assemblage of parliamentary pygmies sat as Labour Party MPs. numerically around 230 - 50% of them have at one time or another resigned from Corbyn's shadow cabinet.And that's without having any serious disagreements about Labour Councils continuing to enforce central government pro-Bankers' EU neoliberal Austerity on the rest of the population.

Seven resignations? yawn..pass the Schadenfreude!


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