104 : #PeoplesVote re-brands as #2ndreferendum ;Fools everybody!

As I confidently predicted ( took an educated guess at..) in a preceding blog post earlier in the month,February has indeed turned out to be less than fertile as regards interesting issues and topics for,visceral,punchy blog posts.

Brexit,Bloody Brexit.

I must say that the UKIP torpedo launched all those years ago now, certainly hit the British establishment's engine room bullseye. It has proven to have been the singularly most significant disruptor of a major world power's polity and civil society since the end of WW2.

And the metropolitan-domiciled neoliberal/globalist ruling elites ensconced in their ivory and glass towers in the City and Westminster,have worked themselves into an anti-democratic mania beyond any bounds of psychiatric intervention.

This has been gold dust,manna from heaven for those striving and seeking a restoration of populism and the full sovereignty of our nation which,of course resides exclusively and solely in the Peoples of these Islands.Always has, always shall.

The ineluctable forces of dialectical and historical materialism aka the intrinsic and irreversible engines of classes,continents and centuries are roaring ahead at full speed.

The deluded and deranged academics,commentators,experts of every bogus scientific,intellectual hue and discipline,the entire political class,those who long ago bowed down and prostituted their own souls before the false shibboleths of multiculturalism,globalism,finance capital and the entire scheisse which passes itself off as western society; for all of them the Bell is really tolling for you.

And we are left gazing upon the tawdry spectacle of a bunch of infantile cretins in SW1 strutting around on stage like shabby,tinpot squalid clapped out failed demagogues incapable of even reciting the rhetoric of their own harlot's calling that in years past would have sufficed to bring the Masses to heel.Except this time,they can't.

The dawn of March 30 2019 ; can't wait...


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