
Showing posts from March, 2019

109 ; Brexit Day Renamed Remain Day in Honour of EU Puppet May's Grand Betrayal

Today ,March 29,2019 is supposed to be #BrexitDay , the day when the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland are to leave the european union. Anglican Tea Lady of the Year and erstwhile Marshal Petain impersonator, May lied bare-faced to the British electorate even as the date was being enshrined into solemn and binding Statute. This isn't Brexit day and the sovereign Peoples of these islands are still under the yoke of a hostile alien tyranny. No matter, for in the end History shall ineluctably restore our Historic freedoms and liberties and reinvigorate our cultural and spiritual heritage and legacy. And in the meantime,the seditionist rabble of the EU funded Peoples Vote 5th.column must have their groves cut down,their idols smashed and their altars destroyed. I lobbed this into their midst earlier today,just to get the badinage started, # BrexitDay just to reiterate what I said at the beginning of the EURef campaign in '16."I utterly hate,loat...

108 : EUCO Summit Agrees Brexit Terms of Capitulation

In the Late Victorian era there was a popular fad for coffins to have a bell affixed to their lids,so that in the unfortunate circumstance of the recently declared deceased not being as far gone as they were thought to be,the interred person could pull on a cord which would ring the bell a to alert the burial party. Clearly in the matter of the UK's seemingly imminent constitutionally approved departure from the European Union, the bell on the Brexit coffin lid has been rung and the about to be dearly departed have alerted the burial party accordingly. And so, the once immutable D-Day of 29 March has been parlayed into two mutually dependent dates;the first of which falls in April and the latter in May and its all at the behest of  EUCO - the 27 Heads of State gathered in Brussels who heard May's desperate ringing of the bell... Farce,tragedy,madness,a crass comedic interlude. Though the funniest thing in these dying hours of the Grand Betrayal Of UK Democracy is how ea...

107 : New Zealand Shootings : Western liberal elites impose virtue signalling

Secular society does grieving rather poorly. It has now become,somehow de rigeur to hold a minute's silence at noon the day after the latest terrorist outrage. Quite why the Labour-run pro-Austerity Council here in Wakefield deems it a requirement that all those using their library have to take part in an act of faux- remembrance for these or those victims whenever and wherever terrorists strike or a disaster occurs is nothing short of a stain on the autonomy and liberties and rights of the individual. Virtue signalling and superficial piety really are worthless. Today it was for the more than 40 worshippers at a mosque in New Zealand ; but aren't all sudden and violent losses of life equally important irrespective of the immediate causes of that imposed loss of life? On March 10, 157 passengers and crew perished after an Ethiopian Airlines 737 crashed.I don't recall Wakefield Metropolitan District Council enforce an act of remembrance upon the users of its servic...

106 : Syria : ISIS Survive "Defeat".

The trouble with triumphalism and its all too venal empty rhetoric is that rebuttals are swift and merciless,leaving the orator looking dumber than they were before. ISIS/Daesh has been virtually eviscerated from the maps of Syria and Iraq.Its fighters and their baggage trains of women and children being herded into SDF/Kurdish holding camps or being shunted safely to less hostile environments via humanitarian corridors is how the world at large now sees ISIS/Daesh. In the corporate MSM freakshow that's currently espousing the fate of one irrelevant individual ,Shamina Begum,every supine kowtowing Islamist shill and metropolitan multiculturalist apologist is buzzing like bluebottles around decaying meat,There are now a thousand and one " human interest" stories of westerners who traipsed off to volunteer for The Caliphate and now,of course,like the Germans in May 1945 express their regret at having chosen their sides so badly. Please let "us" not be nasty or ...

105 : Brexit over and out.

The Anatomy of Theft. As the Brexit pantomime draws to a close and the metropolitan elites' political class begin to put away their cardboard swords,only the empirical facts are left standing. The peoples of Great Britain have been bled white and their country has been turned into a motel for the otherwise feckless millions of eastern europe /balkans rustbelt economic locusts.