109 ; Brexit Day Renamed Remain Day in Honour of EU Puppet May's Grand Betrayal

Today ,March 29,2019 is supposed to be #BrexitDay , the day when the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland are to leave the european union.

Anglican Tea Lady of the Year and erstwhile Marshal Petain impersonator, May lied bare-faced to the British electorate even as the date was being enshrined into solemn and binding Statute.

This isn't Brexit day and the sovereign Peoples of these islands are still under the yoke of a hostile alien tyranny.

No matter, for in the end History shall ineluctably restore our Historic freedoms and liberties and reinvigorate our cultural and spiritual heritage and legacy.

And in the meantime,the seditionist rabble of the EU funded Peoples Vote 5th.column must have their groves cut down,their idols smashed and their altars destroyed.

I lobbed this into their midst earlier today,just to get the badinage started,

just to reiterate what I said at the beginning of the EURef campaign in '16."I utterly hate,loathe and despise the european union and all that it stands for and does." And today I'm adding, "as well as the metropolitan elites,politicians& those who opposed Brexit".


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