106 : Syria : ISIS Survive "Defeat".

The trouble with triumphalism and its all too venal empty rhetoric is that rebuttals are swift and merciless,leaving the orator looking dumber than they were before.
ISIS/Daesh has been virtually eviscerated from the maps of Syria and Iraq.Its fighters and their baggage trains of women and children being herded into SDF/Kurdish holding camps or being shunted safely to less hostile environments via humanitarian corridors is how the world at large now sees ISIS/Daesh.
In the corporate MSM freakshow that's currently espousing the fate of one irrelevant individual ,Shamina Begum,every supine kowtowing Islamist shill and metropolitan multiculturalist apologist is buzzing like bluebottles around decaying meat,There are now a thousand and one " human interest" stories of westerners who traipsed off to volunteer for The Caliphate and now,of course,like the Germans in May 1945 express their regret at having chosen their sides so badly.
Please let "us" not be nasty or spiteful toward them.Please.Tens of thousands of battle-hardened,trained ideological fanatics,have been shepherded out of the Syrian / Iraqi conflict zones with Saudi,Turkish and Israeli assistance and in effect been given freedom to make their own way back to their various european and other western homelands.
Had the US and its cretinous,half-witted western NATO satrapies thought ahead and strategically,they would have mounted and executed a united front military strategy with Russia,Iran and the Syrian government to exterminate all islamic-terrorist forces and would have genuinely been 100% triumphant.
But the neocon warlords in D.C. and their foreign interventionist liberal go-fers prefer instead to fetishize America's arcane imaginary enmity with Russia. An OCD whose pathology can be traced directly back to Reagan,who had he not ordered Stinger shoulder-launched anti-aircraft missiles to be supplied to the islamic  Afghan mujhadeen back in 1980 we wouldn't be where we are now with ISIS/Daesh, AlQaeda et al. But,hey everyone makes mistakes which they don't acknowledge let alone ever do penance for.right?
An so we come to the present phase of the Endgame:-

Thursday, March 7, 2019

ISIS Re-Establishes Historical Sanctuary in Iraq

By: Brandon Wallace
Key Takeaway: ISIS’s post-Caliphate insurgency in Iraq is accelerating faster than efforts to prevent it by the U.S. Anti-ISIS Coalition. ISIS is re-establishing capable insurgent networks in multiple historical strongholds and linking them together, setting the conditions for future offensive operations against the Government of Iraq. The U.S. and its partners should not view the current relative security in Baghdad as confirmation of the defeat of ISIS. The U.S. Anti-ISIS Coalition’s strategy to enable Iraq to “independently manage” an insurgency through intelligence support and other building partner capacity efforts will likely fail to prevent ISIS from regaining momentum based on its current trajectory in Iraq. 
And the ineluctable tsunami of Islamic-terrorism to come from within dozens of western democratic societies already enfeebled and made dissolute in the face of this existential threat by their own globalist/neoliberal/multiculturalist ruling elites and political class.


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