110 : The Road to Sedition : How EU funded shills The 3 Million and Peoples Vote beat Brexit

We're stuck inside the EU's prison walls. We remain " EU Citizens ",even though we were never asked if we wanted to become EU citizens in the first place let alone asked to make a decision about it.

The creation of  EU Citizenship opened up the Road to Sedition upon which the UK is journeying.
I originally posted this on February 21 2017 -And So It Goes...#849 :-

The trouble with people who suffer from paranoid delusions is that, clearly there might well indeed be someone out to get them. But not right now.

Various cities across  Britain were ,on Monday 20 February once again awash with the flotsam and jetsam of placard waving detritus. Yes, exactly the same shills out earning their CIA funded stipend who were placard waving and reciting platitudes with all the fervour of a papist penitent the previous week,were out metaphorically flagellating their own consciences yet again.

#stoptrump was supposed to be the catechism,although as the seemingly interminable hours of faux-rhetoric and student common room sedition passed, all manner of vituperative hyperbole ended up getting spouted and placards waved at it.

#Brexit was a popular target along with plaintive invocations against racism, islamophobia and the recently rediscovered complaint of xenophobia. The most bizarre rant amongst such a crowded field of idiolect terminology was the now trending and therefore fashionable lamentation involving the fate of EU citizens working and sojourning within the borders of the UK.

  For those who genuinely haven’t the foggiest notion as to how the world came to have such a thing as an ” EU citizen “,it maybe worth noting how this quasi-legal abortion came into existence. Via the 1992 Maastricht treaty as it happens. Which is :-

The Maastricht Treaty (formally, the Treaty on European Union or TEU) undertaken to integrate Europe was signed on 7 February 1992 by the members of the European Community in MaastrichtNetherlands.[1] On 9–10 December 1991, the same city hosted the European Councilwhich drafted the treaty.[2] Upon its entry into force on 1 November 1993 during the Delors Commission,[3] it created the European Union and led to the creation of the single European currency, the euro. The Maastricht Treaty has been amended by the treaties of AmsterdamNice andLisbon.
referendum was expected to take place in the United Kingdom in 2006 to decide whether the country should ratify the proposed Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe. However, following the rejection of the Constitution by similar referendums in France in May 2005 and the Netherlands in June 2005, the UK vote was postponed indefinitely.

The question was rendered moot when the constitution was superseded by the Treaty of Lisbon, which Parliament ratified in 2008 without holding a referendum.

And here we are 2 years on, the bogus #The3Million aka #PeoplesVote aka EU funded seditionists spearheaded by Labour have actually won!


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