112 : Eco-fanatics Extinction Rebellion Turn London into Hipster Vegan Festival Site

For an apparently inchoate protest movement, Extinction Rebellion certainly seem to have caught the limelight.

Here's what the inveterate, smug metropolitan Labour cultural elitist hack Polly Toynbee spewed forth on Thursday April 18:

" Day four of Extinction Rebellion, which has been a phenomenal success, as climate protesters occupy four pressure points in Britain’s congested capital. Everything has conspired to maximise attention for their climate cause, with the news unnaturally quiet in this pause in Brexit hostilities.
The sun shines on them as Waterloo Bridge is magically transformed into the Boris Johnson £53m garden bridge that never was, with a long line of trees in big pots down the middle and rows of flowers. The calm of the carless river crossing is a good advertisement for how cities might be. “Come and join us, take time off work,” Gail Bradbrook, one of the organisers, exhorted Today programme listeners this morning. She’s right. All who can should be there. "

And on and on the haggard bien pensant hack drivelled ad nauseam. 

The strapline " trio charged " refers to three eco-vandals who unlawfully endangered the health and safety of passengers and sabotaged the efficient operation of the light railway by having two trespassers on a train carriage roof and a third who super-glued themselves to another carriage on the platform.This is criminality pure and simple.

BBC Radio 5Live in particular was / is being pimped out to be the broadcasting arm of XR ( as the  Occupy/Anonymous/Green  Soros EU funded hackers and activists like to abbreviate their own extinction rebellion moniker ) .
On April 17th ,( day 3 of the Eco-millenarianist take over of our capital city) the Radio 5 presenter Rachel Burden hosted a phone -in where over population and increasing material consumption were repeatedly identified and demonised as the primary cause of the ecological apocalypse that only hordes of lecturers,teachers,sundry academics,lawyers and other intelligent left wing middle class virtue signallers could help avert.

For educated people, not one of them mentioned the 18th Century polemicist Malthus on whose 1798 writings on population numbers they so clearly base their entire deranged,paranoid belief system.The state sponsored eugenics policies of the Scandinavian countries right up to the 1970s never got a mention nor did China's utterly insane Maoist " one child " policy. and yet somehow the Green,vegan Islington hipster Labour intelligentsia insisted that  people needed to have fewer children.No doubt they'll be the ones enforcing such policies;out of necessity obviously and not just because they believe that ordinary folk and the lives they lead are a scourge upon Mother earth.

And then there's the XR ,Green,Vegan,LIb-Lab veneration of the pseudo-prophet David Attenborough. An evergreen on the BBC with his wide-eyed manic stare and pseudo biblical pronouncements; but discussing him or them any further would be environmentally damaging.

There's already more than enough horseshit to go round.


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