113 : EU elections 2019 ? Nein Danke!

Confused ? You will be..

(This gleaned from  Wikipedia)

The United Kingdom's component of the 2019 European Parliament election is due to be held on Thursday 23 May 2019. Initially, the elections were not planned as the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the European Union (following the 2016 referendum) was set for 29 March 2019. However, the British government and the European Council agreed to delay Brexit at the European summit on 11 April. While it is the default position in UK and EU law for the election to take place, the UK Government is continuing attempts to avoid participation by agreeing withdrawal before 23 May.

and what precisely is this "parliament " allowed to do?

Article 14 of the Lisbon Treaty describes the functions of the European Parliament:
 “The European Parliament shall, jointly with the Council, exercise legislative and budgetary functions. It shall exercise functions of political control and consultation as laid down in the Treaties. It shall elect the President of the Commission.”
(Consolidated versions of the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, 2010)
While the legislative powers of the European Parliament are discussed in the following subsection, its other main powers are then:
Budgetary: together with the Council of Ministers, the Parliament agrees on the budget.
  • The Commission drafts the budget and in April each year sends it to the Council of Ministers and the Parliament
  • The Parliament debates it and, if needed, proposes changes. The draft is sent to the Council, which can propose its own changes, if required, and forwards it back to the Parliament for the second reading.
  • The Parliament can reject it (as it did it in 1979, 1982, and 1984) or adopt it .
Scrutiny: the Parliament has powers over the European Commission and the Presidency of the Council.
  • It can dismiss the Commission and the Commission needs to submit to the European Parliament regular reports, annual legislative programmes and reports on the implementation of the budget. The Council’s nominations for the positions of the President of the European Commission and the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy must be confirmed by the European Parliament. Finally, the College of Commissioners must be approved by the European Parliament.
  • The Presidency of the Council needs to report to the EP on its priorities and progress.
  • The Parliament monitors the work of the Council of Ministers.
Appointments. The European Parliament :
  • Appoints the President of the Commission, approves the appointment of the Commission and has power to dismiss it.
  • Confirms  the appointment of the president and vice-president of the European Central Bank.
  • Appoints the European Ombudsman.
  • Consults on the appointments of the Court of Auditors

Wow!! so in essence when it comes right down to it, it can do f*** all about f*** all,because ultimately it's the 27 Heads of State or their representatives acting as the EU Council that do all the heavy lifting.

The UK has 73 allocated seats made up of 12 artificially constructed  "regions" with 6 MEPs in each plus an extra seat for Gibraltar included in the South West  "region" allocation of 7. The closed party list system, a recognisable and acceptable form of proportional representation,means you have one vote only and that for the party and its list of 6 candidates as ranked by them. Which is a merde really ,whereas giving the voter the choice of marking the ballot paper in order of individual preference across any and all parties' candidates 1 through to 6 may be deemed unwieldy but the actual exercise of autonomy of choice would be superior.

The ultimate irony of course remains ( unintended pun) the fact of the UK's participation in the 23 May elections,as seems increasingly likely as at 24 April. Such is the magnitude of the debasement of our constitutional order that has been wrought on the Electorate by the Legislature in their vainglorious pursuit of annulling the Democratic result of the EURef 23 June 2016.


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