
Showing posts from June, 2019

124 : Putin launches swingeing critique on Western metropolitan elitist values at G 20 Summit

Occasionally,very occasionally  a leading world statesman articulates a point of view so cogently as to encompass one 's own outlook on an issue that it makes sense just to copy & paste verbatim. A couple of days ago The President of Russia launched a swingeing critique of prevailing  western metropolitan elitist values. To wit-   Vladimir Putin has trumpeted the growth of national populist movements in Europe and America, crowing that liberalism is spent as an ideological force. In an FT interview in the Kremlin on the eve of the G20 summit in Osaka, Japan, the Russian president said “the liberal idea” had “outlived its purpose” as the public turned against immigration, open borders and multiculturalism. Mr Putin’s evisceration of liberalism — the dominant western ideology since the end of the second world war in 1945 — chimes with anti-establishment leaders from US president Donald Trump to Hungary’s Viktor Orban, Matteo Salvini in Italy, and the Brexit insurge...

123 : Erdogan Loses In Re-run of Istanbul election

The metropolitan globalist elites' hijacking and consequent betrayal of the Vote to Leave the EU on June 23 2016 aka " Brexit " ,has obliterated just about every other issue from serious consideration in public political discourse here in Britain since 2016. Equally, the Trump administration's obsession with perceived imbalances and disadvantages in US trade relations vis a vis primarily China and continued paranoia - fuelled  Democrat accusations against Russia have likewise obscured and marginalised other pressing political and diplomatic issues within the wider political discourse. Syria is still the intractable quagmire it was even before the US and its compliant EUNATO satrapies let their collective attentions wander to more seemingly urgent domestic political concerns.At least it has curbed,much against their liberal/interventionist instincts, the appetite to go around bombing the crap out of anywhere that gives their respective domiciled globalist elites co...

122 ; June 23 celebrating the 3rd Anniversary of The Leave Victory

With the sack full of  rats -aka the latest Tory Party leadership - contest drawing to conclusion,I thought I'd amuse myself by reposting some really optimistic posts from around this time in 2016.   originally posted on June 25 2016 as  And So It Goes...#784 at   I sure do like the smell of Victory on a morning.  I’ve been on a high since waking up just after 4 a.m. Friday listen to the radio, expecting to hear all about a huge triumph for Remain. The disbelief in the broadcasters’ voices was palpable, they were genuinely astounded.  I imagined that BREXIT was having the kind of visceral impact that Orson Welles’ notorious 1938  ” War of the Worlds ” broadcast had had on an unsuspecting  U.S. public tuning in mid way through that broadcast.   I am so chuffed that the first letter my local newspaper published,all those weeks ago now to start the EU debate, was mine.The one, here on record at this bl...

121: Tory Leadership Contest Glosses Over The Great Brexit Betrayal

Today,Monday 10 June 2019 marks the official commencement of the Tory Party leadership contest to replace the outgoing Anglican Tea Lady of the Year,Theresa May. That public political discourse here in Great Britain is even plumbing such unenviable depths of otiose garbage and taking it quasi-seriously, is simply a measure of how many billions of light years we are away from the realisation of the promise born in the aftermath of June 23 2016. 13 putative contenders for the vacant party leadership had put their names forward to enter the fray, though only two succumbed to logic and reason and withdrew before the "off". Quite who will emerge victorious at the end of the hastily cobbled together, proverbial Heath Robinson party electoral process is anyone's guess. Boris Johnson ,Jeremy Hunt, Esther McVey, Dominic Raab appear the most plausible; then again when has plausibility ever been a consideration? to wit a committed Remainer with a woefully incoherent liberal re...

120 : EU funded seditionist PeoplesVote fail to stop Trump UK Visit and fail to wreck #DDay75

Brexit and U.S. President Donald Trump are not going away any time soon.The two most prominent political phenomena currently exercising hegemony over political discourse here in Great Britain are precisely where they should be;dispatching their ideological opponents and detractors to their respective circles in Dante's Inferno. POTUS is here over here to take part in #DDay75 ,the 75th Annual commemorations of the D-Day landings in Normandy on June 6 1944.And naturally,ineluctably, the metropolitan elitist dominated and managed Labour and LibDems and a bewildering assortment of moribund ultra-leftists,environmentalists and uni student agitators-manque got their opportunity to once again throw a collective hissy fit in public view. The timing of the POTUS visit was the very apogee of synchronicity.It has been barely two weeks since the Brexit Party's stunning triumph at the EU Elections and Anglican Tea Lady of the Year May's consequent final capitulation to the forces of...