122 ; June 23 celebrating the 3rd Anniversary of The Leave Victory

With the sack full of  rats -aka the latest Tory Party leadership - contest drawing to conclusion,I thought I'd amuse myself by reposting some really optimistic posts from around this time in 2016.
originally posted on June 25 2016 as  And So It Goes...#784 at wordpress.com
I sure do like the smell of Victory on a morning.
 I’ve been on a high since waking up just after 4 a.m. Friday 24th.to listen to the radio, expecting to hear all about a huge triumph for Remain. The disbelief in the broadcasters’ voices was palpable, they were genuinely astounded.
 I imagined that BREXIT was having the kind of visceral impact that Orson Welles’ notorious 1938  ” War of the Worlds ” broadcast had had on an unsuspecting  U.S. public tuning in mid way through that broadcast.
  I am so chuffed that the first letter my local newspaper published,all those weeks ago now to start the EU debate, was mine.The one, here on record at this blog and elsewhere,
 ” I hate, loathe and despise the European Union and all that it stands for and all that it does “.
 There you go.Vindicated by the Sovereign Will of The British Electorate.
However there are some sore losers, who actually refuse to accept that they were defeated. Mary Creagh MP for Wakefield and leading  #LabourIn campaigner.
It is customary when having lost in a democratic ballot,to congratulate the winner and by doing so admit one’s own defeat at the hands of the Electorate. Note that this hissy fit of a missive does not commence ” To The People of Wakefield,Honoured Citizens On Whose Sovereign WIll All Elected Politicians Rely.”
” A message for people in Wakefield –
The country has decided to leave the European Union.
As you will know, I campaigned tirelessly for Britain to remain in Europe. But I accept that the majority of people in the country chose another path.
My priority now is to mitigate the negative consequences for people in Wakefield. ”
And this from a careerist carpetbagger who tried to weaponise for Remain campaign purposes the murder of another MP.
Schadenfreude really, really does not get any better than this!!
( and this from June 28 2016 under And So It Goes...#785 also at wordpress.com )
Last Thursday 23rd of June’s  witnessed  the great exercise of the inalienable historic rights and incontestable prerogative of the Sovereign British Electorate.
 That  many elected members of parliament -( themselves only in office solely by that very same Sovereign exercise of the Electorate’s prerogative ) had the actual temerity,nay brass-necked insolence and insubordination to even cast the very merest shadow of doubt and contentious conjecture at the Victorious outcome for  LEAVE is breathtaking in its audacity.
 This is the very stuff of outright Sedition, tantamount to Treason against Lawful Authority,that Lawful Authority itself is predicated upon and is wholly dependent for its legitimacy and acceptance on the expression of Sovereign Will of the Electorate. 
Equally culpable of outrageously partisan class-based and hubristic demagoguery are the Press, the Commentariat,Financiers,Artists and Academics of every discipline who by and large caricatured the 52% who voted LEAVE as mainly thick,uneducated,racist,small-minded northerners. 
 Naturally most of this insidious ideological invective was orchestrated,weaponised and delivered via the some 200 #LabourIn MPs. Who were left bemused on Friday 24th.June as to why ” their ” core voters – 9 million and falling,  didn’t do what they had been advised most fervently to do and vote REMAIN.
History belongs to the Masses. The Sovereignty of the British electorate cannot be countermanded. 
Thank God.
Postscript - added June 18 2019
The sovereignty of the British electorate HAS been countermanded.The Vote to Leave has in effect been rendered null and void.


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