123 : Erdogan Loses In Re-run of Istanbul election

The metropolitan globalist elites' hijacking and consequent betrayal of the Vote to Leave the EU on June 23 2016 aka " Brexit " ,has obliterated just about every other issue from serious consideration in public political discourse here in Britain since 2016.

Equally, the Trump administration's obsession with perceived imbalances and disadvantages in US trade relations vis a vis primarily China and continued paranoia - fuelled  Democrat accusations against Russia have likewise obscured and marginalised other pressing political and diplomatic issues within the wider political discourse.

Syria is still the intractable quagmire it was even before the US and its compliant EUNATO satrapies let their collective attentions wander to more seemingly urgent domestic political concerns.At least it has curbed,much against their liberal/interventionist instincts, the appetite to go around bombing the crap out of anywhere that gives their respective domiciled globalist elites concern for the future of their own hegemony.

And none have seen their belligerent nationalistic hubris quite so spectacularly implode and deflate as The Great Sultan Erdogan. Having clamped the iron jaws of Turkish military adventurism around a chunk of sovereign Syrian territory and bitten off more than he could chew ; Erdogan lacking any credible backing from erstwhile NATO partners,in particular Trump's America, has left him floundering in a bloody cesspit of his own maniacal butcher's art.

The Turkish stock market is tanking ,foreign currency reserves are depleted ,international credit agencies are downgrading Turkey's credit rating with all undue haste. And to cap it all Erdogan's ordered re-run of the Istanbul mayoral election - which his party's candidate narrowly lost originally, ended in spectacular failure and massive loss of face.

Politicians who demand that elections are re-run because they question the legitimacy of the original result, be warned,especially the EU funded seditionist Peoples Vote who've campaigned incessantly and unceasingly for the past 3 years non-stop to halt,reverse or annul Brexit and have a second referendum.

And waving the big stick at Iran after trying to instigate a second  Gulf of Tonkin incident in front of a highly sceptical international diplomatic community,is the surest sign of increasing irrelevance and terminal lack of vision and fortitude that the proponents of a multi-polar international order replacing American hegemony could have possibly wished for.And got handed to them on a silver platter.


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