
Showing posts from July, 2019

129 : Boris Johnson is now PM,Brexit is Alive but Peoples Vote Continue Their Blitzkrieg

Well,the UK has a new Prime Minister and all the usual suspects are making all the usual noises .Just a little over 3 years ago, had Gove not betrayed Johnson's candidature for the leadership then we would have been spared the ReMAYner interregnum,the complete bollox-up of the 2017 General Election and yes,the UK would have left the EU . The metropolitan,globalist elitist staged EU -funded pantomime however refuses to leave the stage of history and has persisted over these last 3 years to produce ever more absurd mise-en-scenes. An endless stream of tropes and slogans of treachery and betrayal have been injected into the political discourse that followed the EURef2016 triumph for Leave aka Brexit. It's worth reminding ourselves what depths of hysteria the globalist corporations plumbed in their role as the battering ram for the Remain /Peoples Vote seditionist campaign. On this day 25 July 2018  I posted in Harbinger 64 - Laugh or cry ?  The Times   online re...

128 : Tory rebels oppose #Brexit #Prorogation on grounds they really hate #BorisJohnson

With a putative Prime Minister ready to push the parliamentary /constitutional button on  "Leave " and hordes of his own Tory party MPs ready to help Labour et al push the no-confidence button on him; the interminable " Mexican stand-off" on Brexit continues. Herewith my original blog posted on July 18 2018 ( Harbinger :63 ) at a time when the current on -going Mexican Stand-off was just getting under way. Rats in a sack. Brexit might have already been consigned to constitutional oblivion by the metropolitan domiciled globalist ruling elites,but at least their paid-for political actors class are still managing to tear each other to shreds in what is supposed to be a staged re-enactment but is quite entertainingly going terribly wrong. The under-rehearsed participants are actually believing themselves to be in a real world authentic constitutional political struggle,which of course from the audience /spectators’ point of view they are not,only seeming to be so...

127 ; Mercosur - Ireland's Reward For Being A German EU Shill on Brexit

In the rest of the world it's July 2019 but meanwhile back in Britain we're currently reliving March 29 2019 - the day,which according to the Law as enacted by parliament,said that the UK was to Leave the EU. And still the global metropolitan elitist pantomime continues unabated.The Tories are about to select one of two barely competent careerist clowns as their next party leader and the UK's Prime Minister. Their,now soon to be, predecessor gave her valedictory interview in which she confirmed everything that anyone with even half a grasp of   Realpolitik  already knew.She really is a politically inept,spineless, wheedling caricature of a petty bourgeois waste of space. And meanwhile the Fenian statelet run from Dublin was coming face to face with its own revelation of a  Realpolitik  moment.That moment when an insignificant failed nation state realises its own utter insignificance in the larger world of politics and international diplomacy. Having spen...

126 : Brexit v. Peoples Vote ,The People v. Parliament.

History gets written by the  winners.And  losers tend to get a good kicking. Ultimately there is no-one who is actually ” righteous ” in any of this; no,not one. But that doesn’t mean we ought not to take sides and be actively committed to a cause. What it ought to mean is, that irrespective of the outcome of any particular argument and our role in it ,history gets made, out of which altered circumstances newer conditions inexorably evolve and develop and the struggle renews and is renewed by this inimitable dynamic of human society. But we still like our side,the cause we’re committed to to prevail,we do really want to be the ones on the winning side writing the history of a particular struggle. If that were not so then we’d all be supine conformist automatons and all human society /civilisation would be locked into a totalitarian stasis  forever.Which  of course is utterly absurd but that’s exactly where our present day ruling elites would like to keep the r...

125 : Brexit Party Protest Rubbish German Melody

The new session of the european parliament convened in Strasbourg the other day. And with it,the EU entered the decisive phase of diplomatic/political horse trading to get its new  leaders in place. Ultimately, it is the heavy hitters France and Germany and their mutually respective and fluctuating allies that influence/stage manage /cobble together sufficient votes in the parliament to give their imperial appointees at least some veneer of legitimacy. That by itself would be enough of an otiose event as to preclude anything else that might cause friction let alone excitement among the parliamentary attendees.But no, it was the UK's Brexit Party MEPs who managed to garner the facile opprobrium and spurious media headlines with their stunt of turning their backs toward the musicians scratching out the " Ode to Joy " -that most ersatz and superficial of all anthems anywhere or as the metropolitan Labour  Pravda   Guardian put it:- " Brexit party MEPs turned their...