129 : Boris Johnson is now PM,Brexit is Alive but Peoples Vote Continue Their Blitzkrieg
Well,the UK has a new Prime Minister and all the usual suspects are making all the usual noises .Just a little over 3 years ago, had Gove not betrayed Johnson's candidature for the leadership then we would have been spared the ReMAYner interregnum,the complete bollox-up of the 2017 General Election and yes,the UK would have left the EU . The metropolitan,globalist elitist staged EU -funded pantomime however refuses to leave the stage of history and has persisted over these last 3 years to produce ever more absurd mise-en-scenes. An endless stream of tropes and slogans of treachery and betrayal have been injected into the political discourse that followed the EURef2016 triumph for Leave aka Brexit. It's worth reminding ourselves what depths of hysteria the globalist corporations plumbed in their role as the battering ram for the Remain /Peoples Vote seditionist campaign. On this day 25 July 2018 I posted in Harbinger 64 - Laugh or cry ? The Times online re...