125 : Brexit Party Protest Rubbish German Melody

The new session of the european parliament convened in Strasbourg the other day. And with it,the EU entered the decisive phase of diplomatic/political horse trading to get its new  leaders in place.

Ultimately, it is the heavy hitters France and Germany and their mutually respective and fluctuating allies that influence/stage manage /cobble together sufficient votes in the parliament to give their imperial appointees at least some veneer of legitimacy.

That by itself would be enough of an otiose event as to preclude anything else that might cause friction let alone excitement among the parliamentary attendees.But no, it was the UK's Brexit Party MEPs who managed to garner the facile opprobrium and spurious media headlines with their stunt of turning their backs toward the musicians scratching out the " Ode to Joy " -that most ersatz and superficial of all anthems anywhere or as the metropolitan Labour Pravda  Guardian put it:-

" Brexit party MEPs turned their backs during the playing of the European anthem at a ceremony to mark the opening of the European parliament.
As a saxophone quartet and opera singer performed Beethoven’s Ode to Joy in the Strasbourg chamber on the first day of the new parliament, the 29 MEPs turned away from the group to face the back wall.
The European parliament’s president, Antonio Tajani, rebuked those MEPs who did not immediately get to their feet. “[It] is a question of respect; it doesn’t mean that you necessarily share the views of the EU. If you listen to the anthem of another country you rise to your feet.”

The most telling thing about that impudent attempt at rebuking the Brexiteers was the Freudian slip, " if you listen to the anthem of another country you rise to your feet". Contrary to the delusional alternate reality shared by,amongst others of a similar ilk,the EU funded seditionist Peoples Vote, the european union is not a country.

Obviously there is that historic legal trompe l'oeil of " eu citizens " which was foisted upon all and sundry by the passage of the 1992 Maastricht treaty and which in due course gave legal residence status to millions of otherwise jobless turnip-chuckers and jobsnatchers from the rustbelts of eastern europe and the Balkans who descended on the UK like a biblical plague of locusts-from which the UK is never ever likely to recover.

That super-sized Mammoth in the room aside, the Brexiteers act of symbolic petulance earned them the epithet,ever the default line of reasoning from the Leave campaign aka Labour/LibDems/Greens of " Nazis" !

Were any additional proof required as to why we shall never Leave the EU,here it is again.


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