133: Greenland isn't for sale and in Brazil the Amazon Rainforest is on fire

Brexit having sucked virtually all the political debating oxygen out of the UK polity these last few years, has as I’ve posted before, curbed my penchant and enthusiasm for blogging from a previous average of 8 or 9 blog posts per month down to a bare average of 5 such posts per month.
And even that has me rummaging around , often in previous years for the really substantive posts on Brexit.
Even the predominant themes and issues currently holding sway in the West has been reduced to some kind of near-paranoia concerning The Peoples’ Republic of China and its economic prowess.
The imbroglio in Syria gets little coverage across the corporate MSM in comparison to what it once did 4 or 5 years ago.Mainly because the Syrian government forces with Russian and Iranian assistance have in large part prevailed.The US and its deluded EUNATO satrapies have neither the will,appetite or logistics any more to seriously alter the ,now seemingly ineluctable outcome.Only quasi-bankrupt Turkey under the egotistical maniacal leadership of Erdogan is still in position to perpetuate the looming folly of a third world war by accident or miscalculation.
Trump meanwhile causes barely concealed sniggering in enquring after the availability of Greenland for purchase by the USA.
Yes, it was ,as it turns out being serious. Snark turned to faux- outrage,compounded by his unilateral cancelling of a state visit to Denmark after their Premier stated the blindingly obvious that its territory of Greenland was not up for sale.
And in conclusion, even the last chance saloon ,eleventh hour desperate gamble against overwhelming diplomatic odds to force through Brexit by Premier Johnson seems to be to enamoured of caution and overshadowed by the ghost of premiers past such as May rather than the putative future seemingly vouchedsafe to the Leave voters.
Postscript – The Amazon Rainforest is burning. Quite a lot it seems.Cue Saint Greta and more eco-millenarian hysteria from leading western politicians.


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