139 : Peoples Vote Mob Clamour for Remain Junta to Overthrow Democratic Govt in last bid to stop #Brexit

October 31 draws ineluctably closer and with it the prospect of, " Brexit " actually happening.

The monumental rearguard action undertaken by the Remain campaign to sabotage ,delay ,impede and ultimately eviscerate Brexit as the legitimate democratic expression of the UK electorate in the EURef 2016 - has been to all intents and purposes successful!

There is, of course a price to pay for all their shenanigans and in all likelihood it will be a very heavy one.

Without recourse to muskets and halberds or judicial auto-da-fes , this country has gone through and to a large extent well into future will continue going through a significant period of historical political sea change on par with The Tudor Reformation of the 1530s and 40s as well as The English Civil War(s) of a Century later.

And in spite of the socio-economic driven ideological schisms that have affected all major parliamentary parties over the issue of  " Brexit ", to a greater degree these Parties have carried on with their various , parochial petty concerns with an astounding insouciance.Quite simply, contrary to all the alarms and noises generated, not one of them has been riven irredeemably apart.

The antiquated First Past The Post electoral system has in effect acted as the dead man's handle in keeping the parliamentary edifice from simply keeling over and crashing off the track.

The meteorite has hit and this time the Dinosaurs have refused to die. Just as the hoped for massive gains in the Reformation ended up over historic time pretty marginal at best and the dreams of the Levellers and other Puritan radicals during the Civil War never bore the harvests of the fruit of their endeavours, so with the UK's exit from the European Union.

Then again, the Stoic axiom that nothing worthwhile can ever be achieved without pain and sacrifice has yet to dawn on the EU /Soros funded seditionist shills who masqueraded under so many disguises ending up as Peoples Vote.

The 80% or so of MPs who backed Remain , the metropolitan cultural elitists,academics, luvvies and City shysters ,those who since June 2016 denounced and villified their compatriots as xenophobic,little englander racist thugs ,cretins and morons who voted the way they did for Brexit because they were too stupid,ill advised and under educated to fail to understand that voting Remain was the only sensible thing to do with one's own emancipated right to vote by secret ballot.

Having obviously achieved something worthwhile , Remoaners, great and small can now look forward to a future of pain and sacrifice.



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