140 : Armageddon,here we go! Turkey to invade Syria to get at The Kurds

Sudetenland 2.0

Turkish President Erdogan has given the rest of the international community notice of his intention to order a full scale military incursion into North-eastern Syria in order to establish a buffer-zone contiguous with the Turkish border.

US forces currently in that area are due to vacate it leaving their erstwhile SDF /Kurdish allies on their own to face the imminent Turkish invasion.

Military invasions of countries with which the invaders are not at war is in breach of international law.Not that International Law counts for very much in the current derangement paradigm in which the world finds itself.

The very presence of US,UK,French,German,Australian ,Canadian and Turkish forces inside Syria is itself in breach of all diplomatic conventions, rules and international laws.
The much referenced Westphalian system whereby nations respect each others sovereignty and territorial integrity has long been a convenient diplomatic fiction for almost as long as The Treaty of Westphalia of 1648 itself has been in existence. That particular treaty brought to a close what  future historians would refer to as The Thirty Years War on the continent of Europe. Its foundational principles just so much existential pie in the sky.

The anti-Trump driven rhetoric over the US withdrawal from the region about to be invaded by Turkey is about as specious as it gets in Washington DC. The Kurds, everyone who hates President Trump says, have been thrown under the proverbial bus and that they'll be subjected genocide by the invading Turks.Even if it were remotely akin to the truth, frankly my dear, we shouldn't give a damn.

The really big and imminently globally catastrophic imbroglio in that region is no longer Syria ,it's the Yemen.Of course the two are intertwined at a strategic level, involving most of the same state actors in both theatres such as Saudi Arabia (you're friendly neighbourhood financiers of Islamist terrorism) ,Iran ,the US and of course Israel who basically want to instigate their own arcane scriptural Armageddon asap.

And you thought Brexit was a sh**show.


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