143 : Russia & Turkey Act as Grown-Ups in Syria

BBC News Online reported :-
Turkey and Russia have agreed what they say is a "historic" deal aimed at keeping Kurdish forces away from Syria's border with Turkey.

It comes during a pause in Turkey's offensive to drive Kurdish forces out, creating a "safe zone" in the area. Under the deal, Syrian and Russian forces will immediately oversee a withdrawal of Kurdish forces. There is no word from the Kurdish fighters, whom Turkey regards as terrorists. The deal sets out plans for joint Turkish-Russian patrols along the border next week. The agreement was announced after six hours of talks on Tuesday between Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his Russian host, Vladimir Putin, in the Black Sea resort of Sochi.

And so it goes..

At last it appears the international Law -breaking USA and its western satrapies have satiated their vicarious bellicose cravings and it's left up to the grown-ups in the international diplomatic arena to assume the providential role of katechon and enforce the restoration of a sense of order and stability in what had up to only days previously been the most virulent and potentially cataclysmic of all regional imbroglios to have erupted in the Middle East.

Having systematically and cynically violated every heretofore accepted and recognised norm of international law on the conduct of armed hostilities, the US,UK,France,Germany and Canada achieved absolutely nothing of any effect or value by their wantonly irrational and manifestly dangerous behaviour of arming and funding Al Qaeda in its myriad forms  as well a ISIS and the various bandit formations constituting the Kurdish insurgency.

Israel and Iran, those two equally otiose, mentally disturbed dwarves of irrational arcane religiosity have also been put back into their proper historic context of virtual irrelevance. What kind of imbecile wants a faux- armageddon ?

The British House of Commons certainly was one of "them" that did when it debated,but providentially failed to approve, the bombing of Syria and in particular President Assad's forces as well as some tokenism around hitting ISIS- though their main target was always what they condescendingly referred to as the Damascus Regime's forces.

Let's not forget that the same assembly of 650 cretins has proven itself,over 4 long years, utterly incapable of voting in favour of exiting a continental tyranny of which the UK is but one of 28 vassals.

That aside, the deluded US liberal interventionist Clintonites and their conservative neocon war hawks have also both been equally frustrated in carrying out their own dystopian vision of wiping another heretofore stable and reasonably prosperous nationalist arab state off of the Middle eastern map.

Oh, and the disparate, far from heterogenous Kurds who were given carte blanche  by the illegal US invaders to create a mythical Kurdish statelet on the borders with Turkey ; they too are being put back in their box and back in the cupboard that's already teeming with lots of other skeletons.


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