144 : Brexit Has Fallen : Remoaner Hashtags Victorious

Oh boy...

British Prime Minister Johnson reneged conclusively on his earlier solemn promise to actually die in a ditch if his government couldn't deliver Brexit on October 31st and that he wouldn't go back to EU to ask for an extension.

The EU have helpfully referred to their grand gesture as  a " flextension " and it is valid until January 31st. 2020, which of course is way past the original deadline of October 31.

We are now all hostages being held in a parliamentary purgatory where every conceivable ideological schism is surfacing in all the major parties and there are schisms within schisms.

In the round of course, the Remain campaign succeeded ages ago in effectively torpedoing Brexit.

The waves of Waitrose /Ocado home delivery loyalists and their pithily adorned placards with slogans had sod all to do with the effectiveness of the EU funded, largely Labour Party directed, seditionist enterprise that so remorselessly undermined and heinously traduced what had been the electorally triumphant Leave campaign and all those who voted Leave on June 23  2016.

What began as a farce has evolved into an ever greater farce.Public political discourse has been utterly debased and the very operation of our constitutional parliamentary system have been laid waste.

In those two aspects, the Remoaner zealots and their controlling Masters must feel that they've succeeded beyond their own wildest imaginings.

To be perfectly frank ,earnest and above board on the topic of " General Election or no General Election "...

I simply couldn't care less.


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