145 : #GeneralElection2019 : The hyperbole and slogans have already been launched!

What is the difference between uninterested and disinterested?

"Disinterested" and "uninterested" have different meanings, but people are starting to confuse them. Grammar Girl has a trick for getting them right. An uninterested person is bored, unconcerned, or indifferent; a disinterested person is impartial, unbiased, or has no stake in the outcome.
Clearly therefore, I'm at one and the same time un-interested in the forthcoming General Election and dis-interested as to the eventual outcome of that election.

Once all the smart,sophisticated,considered,astute insights and observations from the Chief Priests of the MSM Commentariat have been aired and all the usual leading spokesdroids of the major parties have articulated their parties' propaganda ; the British Electorate will make its decisions pretty much as it always does and has done in that very short period of our History that has afforded our nation the luxury of representative parliamentary democracy based on universal adult suffrage.
All the whys and wherefores, ifs ,buts and maybes will get run into the ground just as they always are run into the ground through over-emphases ,hyperbole and otiose cant from all the contending parties and factions still masquerading as parties.
The archaic formulations of "Left" and "Right" have in actuality been rendered historically redundant by and during the Brexit question.The difficulty is that none of the major parties formally acknowledge the topography of the renewed political landscape and they all adamantly refuse to address the newly aligned populist sentiments,concerns and imperatives with a lexicon fit for purpose. We're in an rapidly evolving dynamic digital political discourse being conducted and expressed in an analogue frame of reference.
There ought to be for example, a broad rational consensus that every vote should carry equal weight and yet the UK's constitutional mechanism remains entombed by and subject to FPTP - first past the post where not all votes have equal value.
And as for the pre-eminent farrago of our times, to wit Brexit aka Leave the EU,the established parliamentary forces have been debating the possibility of actually implementing the result of the EURef 2016 for three and a half years. 
Disinterested as I am, the probabilities,in my cursory view of the outcome of GE2019 will be in a limited spectrum ranging from 1) A small overall Tory majority, 2) A minority Tory govt with DUP support, 3) A minority Labour govt with SNP /Plaid support or 4) Something completely different and unforeseen.
Oh,and Schadenfreude all round.


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